ClearQuest V9.1.0
  IBM Rational ClearQuest documentation
    Release Notes
      What's new in Rational ClearQuest
    Introduction to Rational ClearQuest
      Using change requests in a development environment
        Database sets
        Change Requests
        Queries and Reports
      Assuming roles in a change request environment
        User role
        Administrator role
        Schema developer role
      Understanding the components in a change request environment
        User clients
        Administration tools
        MultiSite environment
        Report Management with the Report Launcher for Rational ClearQuest
      Security considerations for Rational ClearQuest
      Deploy for GDPR readiness
    Install and deploy Rational ClearQuest
      Planning the deployment and installation
        Hardware, software, and database requirements
        Select Rational ClearQuest clients
        Decide on the feature level
          Features in the feature levels
            Storing History Dates in Coordinated Universal Time (PDF)
        Plan your Rational ClearQuest database set architecture
        Prerequisite tasks by platform
          AIX 5.3
          Increasing the number of file handles on Linux workstations
        Vendor database configuration
          Configuring DB2
          Configuring Microsoft SQL Server
          Configuring Oracle
            Rational ClearQuest support for Oracle Service Names
            Tablespaces creation
              Creating a Permanent Tablespace
              Creating a Temporary Tablespace
            Database user login creation
              Creating the user login
          Configuring Microsoft Access
        Licensing requirements
          Web client licensing
          Rational ClearQuest MultiSite licensing
      Prerequisites and changes for using Rational ClearQuest v9.0.2 and later
      Prerequisite planning for installing Rational ClearQuest
        Installing License Key Administrator
        Installation scenario walkthroughs
          Installation scenario walkthrough: installation of Rational ClearQuest from a shared network drive
            Installing with Installation Manager from a shared network drive
          Installation scenario walkthrough: silent installation of Rational ClearQuest from a shared network drive
            Silently installing a Rational product from a shared network drive
            Recording a response file
            Running the silent install
            Installing a Rational product on a local computer
          Installation scenario walkthrough: silent installation of Rational ClearQuest with Installation Manager from a shared network drive
            Silently installing a Rational product from a shared network drive
            Recording a response file
            Running the silent install
            Installing a Rational product on a local computer
          Installation scenario walkthrough: installation of Rational ClearQuest with Installation Manager from an HTTP server
            Creating a repository on an HTTP server
            Installing a Rational product from an HTTP server with Installation Manager
            Installing a Rational product on a local computer from an HTTP server
            Using the Packaging Utility and Installation Manager
            Installation Manager updates
            Check for updates for Installation Manager and installed products
      User privilege requirements for installing the product
      IBM Installation Manager tasks
      Installing silently
      Installing the product package using the Installation Manager GUI
      Installing License Key Administrator
      Prepare the WebSphere Application Server environment
        Installing WebSphere Application Server web components
        Applying fix packs to WebSphere Application Server, IBM HTTP Server, and Web server plug-ins
        Configuring a web plug-in for IBM HTTP Server
        WebSphere Application Server profiles for web feature deployment
        WebSphere Application Server and IBM HTTP Server reference
          Directory conventions for web server deployments
          Quick reference for managing profiles, IBM WebSphere Application Server, and IBM HTTP Server
      Disable Terminal Services before installing, upgrading, or modifying Rational ClearQuest
      Installing Rational ClearQuest Web server
        Tuning WebSphere Application Server settings
        Configuring SSL support
        How to Install Rational ClearQuest
      Configuring your environment after installing
        Checklist of administrator tasks on Windows
        Checklist of user tasks on Windows
        Checklist of administrator tasks on Linux and UNIX systems
          Setting up remote access on UNIX and Linux hosts
        Checklist of user tasks on Linux and UNIX system
          Modifying your search paths
          Sourcing the Rational ClearQuest setup file
        Restart and verify servers
          Restart database servers
          Restart MultiSite synchronization and Rational Shipping Servers
          Restart other Rational products
        Changing the feature level and metaschema version
          Prepare your environment before upgrading
          Creating a test bed
          Upgrading the test bed
          Creating production databases
          Upgrading the production databases
        Database properties and connection information for DB2
          Database password encryption for DB2
          DB2 connection information
    Using IBM installation and packaging utilities
      Installation Manager
        About managing installations with Installation Manager
        Installing as an administrator or nonadministrator
        Agent data location
        Installation repositories
        Setting repository preferences
          Searching for updates
        Installing silently
          Installing Installation Manager in wizard mode
          Installation Manager command-line arguments
          Using Installation Manager to silently install and update packages
          Creating a response file with Installation Manager while installing
            Creating a response file manually
              Silent installation preference keys
              Response file commands
          Recording a response file with Installation Manager
          Using a response file to install
          Silently uninstalling Installation Manager
          Sample response file: Installing a package
          Silent installation log files
        Package groups and the shared resource directory
        Updating the product
        Modifying a product installation
        Uninstalling the product
      IBM Packaging Utility
        Installing Packaging Utility
        Copying product packages using Packaging Utility
  Upgrading and migrating
    Planning your upgrade
      Hardware, software, and database requirements
      Choose an upgrade strategy
        Upgrade the environment at one time
        Upgrade the environment in phases
      Decide on the feature level
        Features in the feature levels
          Storing History Dates in Coordinated Universal Time (PDF)
      Selecting data code page
      Considerations for upgrading licensing
      Upgrade Rational ClearQuest Web Server features: considerations and best practices
        Web Server
        Rational ClearQuest Report Server and reporting features
        Full-Text Search Server
        Environments with OSLC integration
        Update LDAP configuration to support TLS 1.2 protocol
      Prepare the environment
        Preserve ClearQuest Web configuration files
          Migrating ClearQuest Web configuration settings
            Migrating the file
            Backing up, modifying, and restoring the MBean configuration
          Preserving the CM Server configuration
        Upgrade vendor databases
        Import all MultiSite packets
    Upgrading Rational ClearQuest
      User privilege requirements for installing the product
      Increasing the number of file handles on Linux workstations
      Upgrading the Rational License Key Server
        License Migration Utility
        Importing permanent authorized user keys
        Returning or moving license keys
      Change to search order for license keys
      Installation scenarios
        Installing from an electronic image on your workstation: task overview
        Placing the product package on an HTTP web server
        Installing from a repository on an HTTP or HTTPS web server
        Placing the electronic image on a shared directory
      Upgrading packages to the latest versions
      Package groups and the shared resource directory
    Configuring your environment after upgrading
      Restart and verify servers
        Restart database servers
        Restart MultiSite synchronization and Rational Shipping Servers
      Clearing the browser cache
      Updating link configuration for OSLC integrations
      Changing the feature level and metaschema version
        Prepare your environment before upgrading
        Creating a test bed
        Upgrading the test bed
        Creating production databases
        Upgrading the production databases
      Migrating ClearQuest Web configuration settings
        Migrating the file
        Backing up, modifying, and restoring the MBean configuration
      Upgrading packages to the latest versions
      Setting database properties and connection information
        Database properties and connection information for DB2
          Database password encryption for DB2
          DB2 connection information
        Database Password Encryption for Oracle
        Database properties and connection information for SQL Server
          Supporting mixed environments for SQL Server
          SQL Server connection information
          Configuring Microsoft SQL Server
      Propagating connection information to clients
        Refreshing connections for Rational ClearQuest Client on Linux and the UNIX system
    Administering Rational ClearQuest
      Reconfiguring ClearQuest to use a different JRE
      Managing databases
        Tools for managing databases
        Database backup procedures and schedules
        Vendor databases
          Supported vendor database character sets
          Vendor database properties
            Case sensitivity in vendor databases
          Moving or restoring Rational ClearQuest databases using independent software vendor utilities
        Schemas and schema repositories
          Creating a schema repository
          Creating a sample database
          Moving a schema repository by using the Maintenance Tool
          Moving a schema repository by using vendor database tools
          Updating schema repositories without connections
          Updating schema repositories connection
        User databases
          Creating a user database
          Viewing database properties
          Moving a user database with the Designer
          Moving a user database with vendor database tools
          Deleting a user database
          Restoring a deleted user database
          Increasing the user database record ID limit
          Procedure to use the relocateschemarepo and relocateuserdb commands to update databases
        Connections and database sets
          Creating a connection
          Editing a connection
          Renaming a connection
          Duplicating an existing connection
          Deleting and restoring a connection
          Using the installutil commands registeroracleoptions and getoracleoptions
          Using the relocateschemarepo and relocateuserdb commands to update database information
          How to use the installutil recreateindexes command
        Connection profiles
          Exporting a connection profile
          Importing a connection profile
        Modifiable master properties
        Code pages and national language support
          About national language support
            Code page and national language support terminology
            Extended code page support
            National language support
            National language character data support
            Mixed character-set deployments
            Supported data code pages
            Supported vendor database character sets
            Locales associated with supported Rational ClearQuest data code pages
            Rational ClearQuest character exclusion lists
          Preparing to configure national language support
            Configuration considerations
              About the Rational ClearQuest data code page
              Rational ClearQuest integrations and data code pages
              MultiSite and the Rational ClearQuest data code page value
              Code Pages on the Rational ClearQuest Web client
            Selecting the Rational ClearQuest data code page
              Guidelines for selecting a Rational ClearQuest data code page
              Code page interoperation with previous versions of Rational ClearQuest
              Results of Rational ClearQuest data code page selection
              Vendor database character sets and the Rational ClearQuest data code page
              Local character sets and the Rational ClearQuest data code page
              How Rational ClearQuest validates data code page characters
              Code page conversion details
          Working with Rational ClearQuest data code pages
            Creating a schema repository
            Changing the ClearQuest data code page value
            Ensuring characters in database sets are supported in a Rational ClearQuest data code page
              Developing a data conversion strategy
                Types of fields with unsupported characters
                Mapping unsupported characters to supported characters
                Dealing with unrecognized characters
                Preserving existing information
                Manual and batch-conversion processes
              The codepageutil and installutil subcommands and data code page
                General guidelines for using the code page utility
                Running the code page utility codepageutil
                Evaluating codepageutil output data
                Using the code page utility with Rational ClearQuest MultiSite
                Using installutil to set the data code page value for a pre-7.0 schema repository
                installutil setdbcodepage
              Adding and removing code page headers from exported files
      Managing user accounts
        Viewing database subscriptions
        User privileges
        Working with users
          Adding a user
          Assigning user access privileges
          Adding or modifying user access privileges
          Specifying user authentication
          Subscribing users and groups to databases
          Unsubscribing users and groups from databases
          Upgrading user databases
          Editing user profiles
          Editing a user profile from the Rational ClearQuest client
          Remember-the-password feature and FIPS 140-2 approved encryption
          Disabling and re-enabling the remember-password feature for a database set
          Protecting deployments from brute-force password attacks
          Making users and groups inactive
          Making users and groups active
        Working with user groups
          Creating a user group
          Adding users to a group
          Combine groups
          Removing users or groups from a group
        User access to actions
          Restricting user access to an action
        Exporting and importing users and user groups
          Exporting users and user groups
          Importing users and user groups
        Administering users in a MultiSite environment
          Effect of mastership on Rational ClearQuest client users
          Effect of mastership on user administration
          Determining current mastership of users and groups
          Change the mastership of the user
            Changing the mastership of a user
            Synchronizing replicas after mastership changes
            Updating the user database with the mastership change
      Configuring query limits on result sets
        Guidelines for configuring query limits
        Set the hard limit on result sets
        Get the hard limit on result sets
        Set the soft limit on result sets
        Get the soft limit on result sets
      Using LDAP with Rational ClearQuest
        LDAP authentication model
        Before you set up LDAP
        Setting up LDAP authentication
          Collecting LDAP information
          LDAP configuration steps for Rational ClearQuest
            Step 1: Set the authentication algorithm to CQ_ONLY
            Step 2: Set the Rational ClearQuest LDAP connection information
            Step 3: Set the LDAP search criteria
            Step 4: Set the Rational ClearQuest-LDAP mapping criteria
            Step 5: Validate the LDAP configuration information
            Step 6: Set the authentication algorithm to CQ_FIRST
            Step 7: Set a user's authentication mode
            Step 8: Test for LDAP authentication
          MultiSite considerations
          Disabling LDAP authentication
          Common LDAP configurations
          Enabling SSL Encryption with GSKit
            Setting the JAVA_HOME environment variable
            Creating a key database
            Using certificates from a commercial certificate authority
            Importing self-signed certificates
            Distributing the key database file
            Setting the LDAP connection information for SSL
          Configuring Rational ClearQuest with LDAP user authentication for TLS 1.2 to support NIST SP 800-131A guidelines
          TLS 1.0/1.1 ciphers disabled by default for secure LDAP connections
          Configure FIPS 140-2 approved data encryption
            Configuring the IBM JRE to use FIPS 140-2 approved providers
            Determine if a deployment is FIPS 140-2 approved
          Quick-reference LDAP worksheet
          installutil getauthenticationalgorithm
          installutil getcqldapmap
          installutil getldapinit
          installutil getldapsearch
          installutil setauthenticationalgorithm
          installutil setcqldapmap
          installutil setldapinit
          installutil setldapsearch
          installutil validateldap

        GUI changes to support LDAP
          User administration
          Export Wizard
          Import Wizard
          Designer Test Database login window
        Summary: performing LDAP-related administrative tasks
      Workspace folder permissions overview
        Introduction to workspace folder permissions
          Workspace folder permissions terminology
          Workspace folder permissions and permission precedence
          Permission-granting model
          Permission inheritance
        Developing workspace folder permission policies
        Scenarios for workspace folder permissions
          Scenario 1: Limited access to the Public Queries folder
          Scenario 2: Basic customer access to an internal database
          Scenario 3: Customer access to an internal database using Public Queries folder queries
          Scenario 4: Customer access to an internal database using a common folder
          Scenario 5: Limited internal visibility to a customer folder
      Optimistic and pessimistic record locking
        Find and remove abandoned locks and perform lock time-out operations
      Configuring ClearQuest core logging and tracing
        Modify the locations of and the log files
        Modify the ClearQuest core log properties in
        Enabling Rational ClearQuest core error and message logging
    Administering Rational ClearQuest Web
      About Rational ClearQuest Web server
        Rational ClearQuest Web server architecture
        Configuring Rational ClearQuest Web server
          Default profile names, locations, port numbers, server names, and URLs
          Configuring administrative security
          Configuring secure connections
          Configuring proxy servers
          Configuring port settings
          Windows Configuring the Rational ClearQuest Web server service account
          Configuring the Rational ClearQuest Web properties files
          Backing up, modifying, and restoring the MBean configuration
            Backing up and restoring the MBean configuration
              Exporting MBean configuration settings
              Importing MBean configuration settings
            Modifying MBean attributes with the wsadmin tool
            Modifying MBean attributes in the Site Configuration window
          Configuring load balancing
        Monitoring Rational ClearQuest Web server
          Monitoring Rational ClearQuest Web server with the Site Monitoring window
          Monitoring the Rational ClearQuest RPC servers
          Configuring logging
            Configuring WebSphere Application Server logging
            Configuring Rational ClearQuest Web logging
      Configuring Rational ClearQuest Web with the Site Configuration window
        Security Options page
        Application Options page
        Rational ClearQuest Web Server Options page
        Report Options page
        Email Options page
      Customizing security
        Restricted mode
          Configuring restricted mode
        Persistent cookies and session cookies
          Disabling persistent cookies
      Rational ClearQuest and single sign-on
      Configuring strong authentication with smart cards
        Architecture of smart card authentication
        Configuring WebSphere Application Server
          Configuring client authentication in WebSphere Application Server
          Configuring LDAP on WebSphere Application Server
          Configuring the LDAP client certificate filter
          Configuring the certificate authority
          Configuring the certificate revocation list
          Securing WebSphere Application Server
        Configuring Rational ClearQuest Web
          Enable Rational ClearQuest Web server administrative security
          Configuring the web deployment descriptor file for client certificate authentication of OSLC calls
          Configuring client certificate authentication for Rational ClearQuest Web
          Mapping users to LDAP groups
          Configuring container authentication for Rational ClearQuest Web
            Configuring Rational ClearQuest databases for container authentication
            Configuring Rational ClearQuest Web server for container authentication
            Configuring the Rational ClearQuest Web client for container authentication
          Configure LDAP mapping for Rational ClearQuest databases
        Troubleshoot smart card configuration issues
      Configuring and maintaining full-text search
        Full-text search architecture
        Full-text search configuration
          Monitoring Solr
          Securing the Solr administrative console
          Scenarios for setting up and configuring full-text search
            Enabling full-text search on the SAMPL database
            Enabling full-text search on production databases
            Changing the display field for indexed record types
            Enabling full-text search on additional databases in a deployment
            Adding record types to the search index
            Removing record types from the search index
            Adding fields to indexed record types
            Removing fields from indexed record types
            Enabling full-text search in a load-balanced deployment
            Setting up full-text search in a Rational ClearQuest MultiSite deployment
            Upgrading or reinstalling Rational ClearQuest in a full-text search deployment with multiple WebSphere profiles
            Enabling full-text search on a non-English database
            Upgrading Solr to the latest version supported by Rational ClearQuest
      Configuring and customizing the type-ahead feature
      Configuring e-mail transports
        Configure SMTP
          Configuring SMTP on Windows
          Configuring SMTP on the UNIX system and Linux
        Configure MAPI
          Configuring Microsoft Exchange Server for MAPI
          Configuring Rational ClearQuest Web servers for MAPI
          Configuring site email options for MAPI
      Configuring integrations for Collaborative Lifecycle Management
      Managing OSLC integrations in a load-balanced deployment
        Configuring ClearQuest Web to manage OSLC integrations in a load-balanced deployment
        Manually updating OSLC integration settings in the repository
        Troubleshoot OSLC integrations issues in a load-balanced deployment
      Using Rational ClearQuest to prefill OSLC 2.0-linked records
    Administering Rational ClearQuest Multisite
        Replicated database sets
          Clans, families, and sites
          Types of schema repositories
          MultiSite terminology
        Replica synchronization in a family
          Operation logs for databases
            Operation tracking for each replica
            Epoch numbers
              Indirect synchronization
              Example: Synchronization and the epoch number matrix
        Modification management in multiple replicas: Mastership
          Database object mastership
        Database object conflict resolution
      Implementation planning
        MultiSite installation
        MultiSite licensing
        Shipping server use with Rational ClearCase and Rational ClearQuest
        Mastership policies
        MultiSite use model
          Policies for a single code page in a clan
          multiutil commands on multiple computers
          Mastership changes of database objects
            Synchronization schedule
            Synchronization pattern
              Directions of exchange
              One-to-one and ring synchronization
              One-to-many synchronization
              Many-to-many synchronization
          Backup strategy for databases
          Scrubbing parameters for replicas
            Oplog scrubbing
          Path names that contain spaces
        UCM integration compatibility issues
        Overview of deployment tasks
        Responsibilities of MultiSite administrators
      Packet transportation methods and configuration
        File-based methods
          Electronic mail
          Physical media
          Store-and-forward configuration
            Packet differentiation with storage classes
            Directories for packets
            Indirect shipping route setup
          Store-and-forward packet submission
            Communication between replica hosts
            Packet size limitation
          Retries, expirations, and returned data
          Files that are not packets
        Store-and-forward through a firewall
          Firewall issues
          Shipping server installation on an exposed host
          Configuring your firewall to limit access
            Ports used by albd_server and shipping_server
              Specifying port values
          Using store-and-forward through a firewall
      Database replica creation
        Database activation
        Export a replica-creation packet
        Empty vendor database creation
        Import a replica-creation packet
          Recovering from a failed import
        Replica creation scenario
          Activating the database set
          Exporting the replica packet
          Transporting the replica packet
          Importing the replica packet
      Replica synchronization
        Manual synchronization
        Automated synchronization
        Assumption of successful synchronization
        Schema updates from imported packets
        Synchronization of multiple user database families with msimportauto.bat
      Database replicas administration
        Displaying properties of a replica
        Rename replicas and sites
        Moving a replica or changing vendor database software
        Moving or renaming a synchronization server
        Replica deletion
          Removing a functioning replica from a clan
          Removing an inoperable site from a clan
          Using MultiSite after removing the last replica in a clan
        Upgrading a schema version
        Updating database subscriptions after replicating a database
        Database record ID management
          Changing allocation of ID blocks to a replica
          Increasing the user database record ID limit
      Mastership management
        Mastership changes of database objects
          Transferring mastership of a record
          Transferring mastership of a Workspace item
          Transferring mastership of a working schema repository
          Fixing an accidental mastership change
        Mastership management of users and groups
          Mastership issues when creating users and groups
      Troubleshoot MultiSite operations
        Replica export problems
          Recovering from a mkreplica –export failure
        Transport problems
          Invalid destination
          Shipping server fails to start or connection is refused
          Shipping order expires
        Replica import problems
        Synchronization export problems
          Cannot find oplog entry
          Packets accumulate in outgoing storage bay
          Replica cannot update itself
        Synchronization import problems
          Packets accumulate in incoming storage bay
          Packet is not applicable to any local replicas
          Read from input stream fails
          Miscellaneous problems
          Lost packet recovery
        Removing circular duplicate links
        Naming conflict resolution
          Workspace naming conflicts and Rational ClearQuest Web
          Stateless record type naming conflicts
            Record uninqueness
            Find stateless records with naming conflicts
            Renaming records
          Ambiguous users and user groups
            Renaming users
        Lost database replica recovery
          Restoring a replica from backup
        replica repair with multiutil repair
        Error messages
      MultiSite command set
        multiutil command use
        Replica creation, synchronization, and management commands
        Object mastership commands
        Failure-recovery commands
        Additional MultiSite commands
        MultiSite API functions
        MultiSite reference pages
          MultiSite Control Panel
    Reporting on Rational ClearQuest data sources
      About data-pull and data-push reporting models
      Client and server architecture for the reporting feature
    Reporting deployment planning
      Scenarios for planning your reporting deployment
      About the Rational ClearQuest Reporting Driver
        Supported BIRT versions for Rational ClearQuest
        Configuring the Rational ClearQuest Reporting Driver
          Configuring the Eclipse IDE for Java and Report Developers with Rational ClearQuest
          Configuring the BIRT Report Designer RCP for Rational ClearQuest reporting
          Configuring the BIRT runtime for Rational ClearQuest reporting
          Configuring an Eclipse Workbench for Rational ClearQuest reporting activities
          Configuring Rational Team Concert for Rational ClearQuest reporting
      About the Report Launcher for Rational ClearQuest
        Deploying the Report Launcher for Rational ClearQuest
          Installing Report Launcher for Rational ClearQuest on WebSphere Application Server
          Configuring Report Launcher for Rational ClearQuest
        Deploying the BIRT server runtime on the WebSphere Application Server
          Installing BIRT web archive on WebSphere Application Server
          Configuring the BIRT web archive on the WebSphere Application Server
          Configuring the BIRT runtime for Rational ClearQuest reporting
          Verifying the BIRT deployment
          Customizing the BIRT report viewer
        Configuring security for the Report Launcher and reports
          About Rational ClearQuest reporting security
          Configuring security for the Report Launcher and reports
            Mapping users and groups to security roles
            Customizing security in WebSphere Application Server
          Managing credentials for BIRT reports
            Passing credentials to BIRT reports at run time
            Clearing user and password settings
        Using the Report Launcher
          Sharing reports on the server
    Developing Schemas
      Understanding the Functions of a Schema Developer
        Considerations for integrations with Rational ClearQuest
      Using the Designer Interface
        Working in the Schema Repository Explorer view
          Filtering the Rational ClearQuest Schema Repository Explorer view
        Working with working sets
          Creating a working set
          Selecting a working set
      Working with Schemas
        Naming restrictions
        Viewing the schema history
        Modifying schemas
        Creating a test database
        Checking out schemas
        Creating schemas from the Blank schema
        Selecting a Scripting Language
        Validating schemas
        Creating a test configuration
        Setting test preferences
        Testing schemas
        Checking in schemas
          Undoing schema checkouts
        Updating properties of user databases
        Upgrading user databases
        Deleting schemas or schema versions
        Changing a database association to a different schema
          Assigning different schemas to user databases
        Comparing and merging schemas
        Setting schema compare preferences
      Customizing Schemas
        Working with Record Types
          Adding record types to schemas
          Selecting the unique key for stateless record types
          Setting the default record type
          Record type families
          Adding record type families to schemas
          Adding members to record type families
          Removing members from record type families
          Renaming record types or record type families
          Deleting record types or families
          Adding fields to record types
        Working with fields
          Displaying the Record Fields grid
          Considerations for selecting field data types
            Dates and times
          Adding fields to a record type
          Adding help text to fields
          Defining the behavior of fields
          Modifying field properties
          Renaming fields
          Deleting fields
          Linking records to share common data
          Linking records to create parent/child hierarchies
          Defining field hooks
        Working with State Models
          State model for the Defect record type
          State model for the EnhancementRequest record type
          State type models for packages
          Supporting a mixed local character set or a UTF-8 multilingual database
          Considerations in state model design
          Customizing State Models with the State Transisition Matrix
            Displaying the state model for a record type
            Adding states to the state transition model
            Mapping state types
            Changing state names
            Deleting states
        Working with Actions and Action Types
          Displaying the Actions grid
          Adding actions
          Creating state transitions
          Modifying actions
          Defining action hooks
          Defining the default action of states
          Deleting actions
      Working with Schemas and Packages
        Rational ClearQuest predefined schemas
        Rational ClearQuest packages
      Working with Packages and Integrations
        Precautions when applying packages
        Packages available
        Overview of package application process
          Applying packages
          Enabling record types
          Mapping state types
          Assigning default actions for states
        Examples: The Notes, Attachments, and Email packages
        Checking which packages have been applied to a schema
        Upgrading packages
          Upgrading schemas to new versions of packages
        The AuditTrail and eSignature packages
          The AuditTrail package
          The eSignature package
            Using eSig_Config records
              The Record Type field
              The States and Sign When fields
              The Sign by Action field
            Signature data
            Signature enforcement and authentication
            Signature validity
            Data display
          Customizing the packages
            Using the extensions
            AuditTrail extensions
              Excluding fields from auditing
              Formatting data
              Disabling audit trails
            eSignature customizations
              Formatting signature data
              Controlling access to eSig_Config records
        EmailPlus package
          EmailPlus record types
            EmailPlusConfig record type
            EmailPlusSiteConfig record type
              Email transport types
            EmailPlusRule record type
            EmailPlusTemplate record type
            EmailPlusAction record type
            EmailPlusRuleSubscription record type
            EmailPlusPostOffice record type
          Working with EmailPlus templates
            Template meta tags
              ActionerUserName tag
              AttachmentByDescription tag
              AttachmentByName tag
              EmbedChart tag
              Expression tag
              NameOfRule tag
              NameofUserInField tag
              RestUri::CHART tag
              RestUri::QUERY tag
              RestUri::REPORT tag
              RestUriOfEntity tag
              URLofChart tag
              URLofEntity tag
              URLofQuery tag
              URLofReport tag
              Template meta tag substitution extension point
              Expression tag examples
              Meta characters in regular expressions
            Working with embedded field expressions in meta tags
            Embedding images in an HTML body template
            Retaining HTML formatting when using expressions and meta tags
              EMP_Verbatim function
              EMP_EscapeHTML function
          Creating EmailPlus rules
            Specifying the EmailPlus rule definition
            Defining a rule phrase on the EmailPlus Rule tab
            Defining a rule phrase on the Actions/States tab
            Defining a rule phrase on the Advanced Rule tab
              EmailPlusRule advanced rules examples
              EmailPlus global script functions
            Adding subscribers to an EmailPlus rule
              Specifying To/CC addresses
              Specifiying EmailPlusRule subscribers
              Configuring addressing options
          Customizing an enabled record type
          Mail relay
            SMTP Relay
            PostOffice Relay
            The Rational ClearQuest EmailRelay application
            Configuring the EmailRelay application
       script parameters for Rational ClearQuest Web server
       script parameters for the Rational ClearQuest EmailRelay server
       script parameters for the SMTP Email server
              Configuring the length of multiline text
              Configuring the EmailRelay application: Examples
                The EmailRelay application on a non-replicated, single Rational ClearQuest database
                The EmailRelay application on a non-replicated Rational ClearQuest database with multiple Rational ClearQuest databases
                The EmailRelay application on a replicated, single Rational ClearQuest database
                The EmailRelay application on a replicated Rational ClearQuest database with multiple Rational ClearQuest databases
                Changing the EmailRelay configuration
              Switching between SMTP and SMTPS settings in the EmailRelay configuration
              Importing a keystore certificate into WebSphere for use with the EmailRelay service
              Troubleshooting the script
            EmailRelay XML customization
              EmailRelay <CQDatabase> XML block
              EmailRelay <DeliveryMode> XML block
              EmailRelay <SMTPServer> XML block
            Starting and stopping the EmailRelay application
            Setting up EmailRelay for different types of email servers
          Email attachments
            Rational ClearQuest client temporary cache directory
          Debugging EmailPlus
          Administration of EmailPlus
        Attachments package
          Attachments package AXPAttachmentControl record type
          Restricting access to the AXPAttachmentsControl record
      Test Management
      Working with Forms
        Creating forms
          Changing the name of forms
          Changing the size of forms
          Deleting forms
        Working with Pages on Forms
          Adding tabs to forms
          Changing form page (tab) names
          Restricting access to tabs
          Changing the order of tabs
          Deleting pages (tabs)
        Reusing record forms
          Exporting forms
          Importing forms
        Working with Form Controls
          Adding form controls using the control palette
          Adding controls using the Field List
          Selecting controls in forms
          Editing the properties of field controls in forms
          Deleting form controls
          Changing the tab order of form controls
          Descriptions of Form Controls
            ActiveX control
            Attachment control
            Check-box control
            Combo-box control
            Drop-down list box control
            Drop-down combo box control
            Duplicate base control
            Duplicate dependents control
            Group box control
            History control
            List box control
            List view control
            Option button control
            Parent/Child control
            Picture control
            Static text box control
            Text-box control
      Creating a security model
        Hiding records
        Privileged Queries feature
        Protecting from password attacks
        Password protection scenarios
        Designing a security system
        Security example
        Using other Rational ClearQuest security features
          Adding password protection
      Using Hooks to Customize your Workflow
        Field hooks
          Adding field hooks
          Editing field hooks
          Deleting field hooks
          Creating a dependency between fields
          Creating choice lists for fields
          Creating dynamic choice lists
          Editing dynamic lists
          Specifying default values for fields
          Validating user input in fields
        Action hooks
          Adding action hooks
          Editing action hooks
          Deleting action hooks
          Hiding actions that a user cannot perform
        Execution order of field and action hooks
        Working with Record Scripts
          Adding record scripts to record types
          Editing record scripts
          Deleting record scripts
        Working with Global Scripts
          Creating global scripts
          Editing global scripts
          Deleting global scripts
        Writing external applications
        Using the Rational ClearQuest API
        Common API calls
        Finding text in hook scripts
      Database Locking
        Enabling pessimistic record locking
          Enabling pessimistic record locking without initiating an action
          Examples of pessimistic record locking hook code
        Lock maintenance
      Customizing Rational ClearQuest Web
        Testing schema modifications in Rational ClearQuest Web
        Integrations with Rational ClearQuest clients
        Using hooks in Rational ClearQuest Web
          Displaying messages on the Rational ClearQuest Web client
          Enabling dependent fields for Rational ClearQuest Web
          Using hooks to detect a Web session
      Using E-Mail
        Automatic e-mail notification
          Creating e-mail rules
            Specifying rule controls for an e-mail rule
            Specifying action controls for e-mail rules
            Specifying display fields for email rules
            Specifying e-mail addresses for e-mail rules
            Specifying cc addresses for email rules
          Sample e-mail rules
          Finding existing e-mail rules
          Modifying existing e-mail rules
          Administering e-mail addresses
          Enabling Rational ClearQuest clients to send email
          Enabling e-mail notification for Rational ClearQuest Web
        Round-trip e-mail
        EmailPlus package
        Using action hooks to send e-mail
      Importing and Exporting Data
        Overview of importing and exporting data
        Adding and removing code page headers from exported files
        Starting the import process
        Testing the import process
        Creating an import schema
        Creating a database for imported data
        Creating a Rational ClearQuest import file
          Import file format for record types
          Import file format for history information
          Import file format for attachments
        Configuring the Import Tool
        Exporting data
        Importing data into Rational ClearQuest
          Importing records
          Importing duplicate records
          Recovering from import errors
          Updating existing records
  Managing change and releases
    Using your Rational ClearQuest Web client
      Understanding your Rational ClearQuest Web client
        Enable JavaScript in Web browsers
          Configuring Internet Explorer
          Configuring Firefox
        Schema repositories, user databases, and database sets
        Logging on to Rational ClearQuest Web
        Customizing Rational ClearQuest Web client
          Changing the font size
          Modifying the user profile
            Editing the user profile
            Setting an e-mail address
            Changing passwords
          Setting Rational ClearQuest preferences
        Understanding privileges and restrictions
          About user and group privileges
          About restricted mode
          Reveal Existence feature
          Viewing folder permissions
      Using records to store change requests
        About records
        Record states and state transitions
        Record types
        Finding and viewing records
          Finding records by running a query
          Finding state-based records by using a record ID
          Finding stateless records by using a unique identifier
          Find records by using full-text search
            Lucene query terminology and syntax
              Term modifiers
              Boolean operators
            Finding records by using full-text search
        Viewing records
          Viewing existing records
          Using Public List View
          Form Selection
          Dynamic Forms feature
        Creating and submitting records
          Using record templates
            Creating a Personal record template
            Public Template feature
            Creating a Public record template
            Loading and updating a record template
          Changing the state of a record
          Changing the state of multiple records
        Modifying multiple records
          Running a multirecord update
          Multirecord update page size
          Canceling a multirecord update
          Handling dialogs boxes from built-in form controls while recording a multirecord update
          Handling pop-up forms during a multirecord update
        Deleting records
        Duplicating records
        Reverting the state of duplicate records
        Printing records
        Sending the Web address of records by e-mail
        Running recent records, queries, reports, and charts again
        Bookmarking records, queries, reports, or charts
        Adding records, queries, reports, or charts to Rational ClearQuest Favorites
        Viewing and saving UCM change set versions
        Viewing recently accessed records
      Adding attachments to records to store additional information
        About file attachments
        Adding attachments to records
        Deleting attachments from records
        Viewing file attachments to records
      Using queries to find records
        About queries
        About query filters
        Querying across multiple record types
        Creating and running queries
        Editing queries
        Running queries
        Bookmarking records, queries, reports, or charts
        Adding records, queries, reports, or charts to Rational ClearQuest Favorites
        Sending the Web address of a query, report, or chart by e-mail
        Running recent records, queries, reports, and charts again
        Configuring startup queries, reports, or charts
        Clearing startup queries, reports, or charts
        Working with result sets
          Refreshing the contents of result sets
          Customizing columns in result sets
          Controlling date and time format displayed in result sets
          Editing queries in result sets
          Creating a query from a query result set selection
          Printing result sets
          Exporting the contents of result sets
          Importing query results into Microsoft Excel
      Viewing query results in reports
        About designing and running reports
        About reporting capabilities when using the Rational ClearQuest Web client
        Bookmarking records, queries, reports, or charts
        Sending the Web address of a query, report, or chart by e-mail
        Running recent records, queries, reports, and charts again
        Configuring startup queries, reports, or charts
        Clearing startup queries, reports, or charts
      Analyzing query results in charts
        About charts
        Running data-push charts
        Bookmarking records, queries, reports, or charts
        Sending the Web address of a query, report, or chart by e-mail
        Running recent records, queries, reports, and charts again
        Configuring startup queries, reports, or charts
        Clearing startup queries, reports, or charts
      Using integrations for Collaborative Lifecycle Management
      Creating REST URIs to log on and perform common tasks
        Creating REST URIs to log on
        Creating REST URIs to reference records
          Creating REST URIs to find records
          Creating REST URIs to view records
          Creating REST URIs to modify records
          Creating REST URIs to submit records
        Creating REST URIs to run queries
        Creating REST URIs to run data-push reports
        Creating REST URIs to run data-push charts
      Rational ClearQuest records enabled for UCM
      Working with database replicas
        Using Rational ClearQuest in a MultiSite environment
        About mastership
    Using the Rational ClearQuest Client
      Connection management
        Connecting to a database
        Disconnecting from a database
        Adding a connection
        Deleting a connection
      Organizing and navigating the workspace
        Editing your user profile
        E-Mail rules and e-mail notification
          Setting email notification options
        Setting ClearQuest preferences
        Viewing, changing, and assigning folder permissions
        Editing a named list
      Using records to store change requests
        About records
        Record states and state transitions
        Record types
        Submitting a record
        Using record templates
          Creating a record template
          Loading and updating a record template
          Exporting record templates
          Importing record templates
        How to use in-line editing
        Modifying a record
        Changing the state of a record
        Marking a record as a duplicate
        Finding a record
        Viewing the history of the Find Record command
        Printing a record or result set
        Exporting records
        Importing records
        Exporting query results
      Adding attachments to records to store additional information
        About file attachments
        Adding an attachment to a record
        Editing an attachment
        Saving an attachment
      Using queries to find records
        About queries
        About query filters
        Creating and running a query
        Editing a query
        Editing a query as SQL text
        Running a query
        Setting a query to run at startup
        Importing a query
        Exporting a query
      Viewing query results in reports
        About designing and running reports
        About data-pull and data-push reporting models
        Designing data-pull reports
          Data-pull report design using BIRT
            Using the BIRT Report Designer
            Using BIRT v4.6
            Using script undeployBIRT.bat/sh
          Dynamic query use in building data-pull reports
          Sample data-pull reports
      Using the Report Launcher
        Sharing reports on the server
      Analyzing query results in charts
        About charts
        Creating a chart
        Running a chart
        Importing a chart
        Exporting a chart
        Data-pull query creation for simple charts
      Working with database replicas
        About mastership
        Using Rational ClearQuest in a MultiSite environment
    Using Rational ClearQuest for Windows client
      Understanding security and privileges
        About Rational ClearQuest security
        About user and group privileges
        Viewing, changing, and assigning folder permissions
      Working with databases
        Logging on to a Rational ClearQuest database
        Logging on to a different Rational ClearQuest database
      Modifying the user profile
        Editing your user profile
        E-Mail rules and e-mail notification
          Configuring a client to receive e-mail notification
          Configuring your client to send email notification
          Installing Collaboration Data Objects
      Customizing the client and display settings
        Adding a workspace item to the Query menu
        Modifying the result-set grid display settings
        Changing the font display on a record form
      Using records to store change requests
        About records
        Record types
        Record states and state transitions
        Finding and viewing a record
        Modifying a single record
        Modifying multiple records
        Changing the state of a record
        Marking a duplicate record
        Printing a record
        Submitting a record
        Viewing the history of a record
        Changing the font display on a record form
        Defining a record template with default values
      Adding attachments to records to store additional information
        About file attachments
        Adding an attachment to a record
        Opening an attachment to a record
        Saving an attachment to a record
        Deleting an attachment from a record
      Using queries to find records
        About queries
        About query filters
        About creating queries
        Using the Query wizard to find information
          Creating a query by using the Query wizard
          Selecting the result-set display fields by using the Query wizard
          Modifying column titles in a result set
          Selecting filters by using the Query wizard
          Querying across multiple record types
          Defining filters and operators by using the Query wizard
          Grouping query filters
          Moving fields to the Favorites folder
          Saving a query
        Using the Query and Display editors to find information
          Creating a query by using the Query and Display editors
          Using the Query editor to create and edit queries
            Selecting filters in the Query editor
            Defining filters in the Filter window
            Grouping query filters
            Querying across multiple record types
            Moving fields to the Favorites folder
          Using the Display editor to configure and update result set displays
            Selecting the result-set display fields in the Display editor
            Moving fields to the Favorites folder
            Sorting a result set
            Modifying column titles in a result set
            Hiding and showing fields in a result set
            Editing fields in a result set
            Editing the header and footer in a result set
            Searching for text in a result set
            Modifying the result-set grid display settings
          Saving a query
        Editing the SQL properties of a query
        Printing and exporting result sets
          Printing a result set
          Exporting a result set
        Running and working with queries in the workspace
          Running a query in the workspace
          Configuring a query, report, or chart to run at startup
          Exporting a query
          Importing a query
      Viewing query results in reports
        About exporting and importing report formats
        Creating a report by using a report format and a query
        Creating a report by using a query result set
        Editing a report
        Running a report
        About exporting and importing reports
        Importing a report into the workspace
        Exporting a report
        Configuring a query, report, or chart to run at startup
      Analyzing query results in charts
        About charts
        Creating a chart
        Specifying parameters for a distribution chart
        Specifying parameters for a trend chart
        Specifying parameters for an aging chart
        Editing the properties of a chart
        Editing the labels on a chart
        Running a chart
        Drilling down in a distribution chart
        Exporting a chart graphics file
        Printing a chart
        Configuring a query, report, or chart to run at startup
      Working with database replicas
        Using Rational ClearQuest in a MultiSite environment
        About mastership
        Viewing and changing mastership of a workspace item
    Using Rational ClearQuest ALM
        Rational ClearQuest ALM record types
        Roles in an ALM process
          Approved actions
          User roles
            Dev Lead
            Release engineer
        Why use an ALM schema?
          ALM in a Rational ClearQuest MultiSite environment
      Getting started for administrators
        Configuring and using ALM
          Setting up
            Applying packages to existing schema
            Creating user accounts
            Creating user groups and project security
      Working with projects
        Project security
        Project settings
          Project planning
          Record settings
        Prerequisites to creating an ALMProject
        Creating a project
          Creating security policy
          Creating category type labels
          Creating category
          Creating release labels
          Creating the project
          Creating role labels
          Creating roles
          Creating phase labels
          Creating phase
          Creating iteration labels
          Creating iteration
          Modifying the category to specify current project
          Modifying phase to specify current iteration
        Project process
          Creating ALMType labels
          Creating an ALMType
          Work Configuration
          Creating resolution codes
        Copying an existing project
          Copying a project
        Using the Project Wizard
      Managing work
        Overview of ALM work process
        Working with roles and process
          Submitting requests
          Triaging requests
          Marking a request as a duplicate
          Marking a request as duplicate completed
          Submitting tasks
          Activating tasks
          Assigning documentation and testing activities
          Submitting activities
          Querying for work assigned to you
          Commenting on a request, task, or activity
          Responding to comments
          Completing a development or documentation activity
      Tracking work and builds
        Building and maintaining baselines
          Creating baselines
          Creating a build record
        ALM with UCM

            Composite baselines

        Using ALM without UCM
          Completing the test activity
          Completing the task
        Accepting or rejecting a request
      Sample data
      Mandatory fields for ALM record types
    Configuring and using Collaborative Lifecycle Management integrations
      Configure Rational ClearQuest Web for Collaborative Lifecycle Management integrations
        Applying the Rational ClearQuest OSLCLinks package
          Schema changes after applying the OSLCLinks package
          Procedure for applying the OSLCLinks package
          Configuring the OSLCLinks package for security context
        Configuring Rational ClearQuest Web server for Collaborative Lifecycle Management integrations
          Overview of OAuth access
          Configuring Rational ClearQuest Web server for cross-server communication
          Configuring project relationships
            Link types
          Configuring the target server for cross-server communication
          Approving an OAuth consumer key
          Registering an OAuth consumer key
          Remapping URIs after renaming a CLM server
      Use Rational ClearQuest integrations for Collaborative Lifeycycle Management
        Associating records and Rational Team Concert work items
          Link types
        Associating records and CLM integration artifacts
        Removing associations between records and CLM integration artifacts
        Working with records in the Rational Team Concert web client
      Rational ClearQuestand Rational DOORS
    Integrating with other products
      About integration packages, configuration, and testing
        Dependent integrations
        Ensuring code page compatibility for ClearQuest integrations
        Enabling record types for integrations
        Testing integrations
        Rational ClearQuest integration packages
          Adding a Rational Administrator integration
          Adding a ClearCase UCM integration
          Applying package upgrades
  Extending product function
    Programming with the Rational ClearQuest OSLC CM REST API
      Using the Rational ClearQuest OSLC CM REST API
      Resource Shapes
      Query Capabilities
      User Interface preview
    Programming with Rational ClearQuest CM API
      Rational ClearQuest CM API introduction
        Rational ClearQuest CM API clients
        Rational ClearQuest CM API subproviders
        Installation and setup requirements
      Rational ClearQuest CM API object model overview
        Resources and proxies
          Naming conventions
            Naming convention for get and set property value methods
          Getting a provider
            Creating a Callback
          Getting resource proxies
        Location objects
          Location syntax
            Stable locations
            File name location specifications
        Properties and meta-properties
          Additional resource properties
          Additional information about properties
          Setting up a property request
          Reading properties
          Writing properties
          Nested properties
          Feedback objects
        Change contexts and context resources
          Using change context resources
            Creating a new context resource
            Additional information about change contexts
      Class overviews
      Configuring Rational ClearQuest CM API logging
    Rational ClearQuest Client user tutorial
      Connect to a Rational ClearQuest database
      Overview of change requests
        Submit a defect
        Modify a defect
        Transition a defect to another state
        Use a template to submit defects
        Attach a file to a defect
      Overview of queries
        Create a query
        Run a query
        Set a query to run at startup
        Edit a query
        Import and export a query
        Print the results of a query
    Schema developer tutorial overview
      Setting up
        Create a schema repository
        Logging in to Designer
        Create a schema
        Create a user database
        Create a test user database
      Overview of record types
        Specify the default record type
      Overview of forms and fields
        Modify a form
        Add tabs to a form
        Add fields
        Define field behavior
        Modify fields
        Add fields and controls to a form
        Move and align controls, and change tab order
        Advanced topic: reusing forms
        Advanced topic: Using fields to link records
          Sharing common data
          Creating a parent/child hierarchy
      Overview of state transition model
        View the state transition matrix for a record type
        Add a state
        Create an action
        Create a state transition
      Overview of packages
        Apply the Attachments package
        Apply the Notes package
        Identify which packages have been applied
      Overview of hooks
        Add a choice list hook
        Add a field hook
        Add an action hook
      Testing the schema and upgrading the user database
        Testing your changes
        Upgrading the user database
    User tutorial for the Windows client
      Log in to the Rational ClearQuest client
      Overview of change requests
        Submit a change request
        Modify a change request
        Transition a change request to another state
        Use a template to submit change requests
        Attach a file to a change request
      Overview of queries
        Create a query by using the Query wizard
        Create a query by using the Query editor and Display editor
        Run a query
        Set a query to run at startup
        Edit a query
        Import and export a query
        Print the results of a query
        Search for a specific change request
      Overview of charts
        Create a distribution chart
        Run a chart
        Edit a chart
        Drill down into a chart
        Print a chart
        Export a chart as a graphics file
      Customizing your work environment
        Change your display settings
        Enable your client to receive E-mail notifications
        Add favorites to the Query menu
    Rational ClearQuest CM API tutorial
      CM API setting up and installation
        Interfaces to import
        Module summary
      Using Rational ClearQuest CM API to access a product repository
        Getting a Provider
        List available user databases
        Module summary
      Running queries
        Running a query and displaying the result set
        Module summary
      Viewing a record
        Viewing a record
        Module summary
      Modifying a record
        Add or remove attachments
        Module summary
      Creating a record
        Creating a record
        Module summary
    ClearQuest API tutorial
      Introduction to the Rational ClearQuest API
      Requirements for using the Rational ClearQuest API
        Using Perl
        Perl error handling
        Session and Entity objects
        Module summary
      Using the API to access a user database
        Getting a Session object
        Getting accessible databases
        Logging on to a user database
        Module summary
      Working with queries
        Building a query
        Result sets
        Defining your search criteria
        Sorting a result set
        Module summary
      Working with records
        Retrieving a record
        Modifying a record
        Saving your changes
        Creating a new record
        Module summary
    API Reference
      Using the Rational ClearQuest API
        Understanding the Rational ClearQuest API
          Using Perl
            Using Perl modules
            Using Perl for external applications
            Notation conventions for Perl
            Perl error handling
            Name lookup in Perl hooks
          Using VBScript
            Notation Conventions for VBScript
            VBScript error handling
        Error checking and validation
        Debugging your code
        Client version checking
        Setting the return string mode for hooks and scripts
      Overview of the API objects
        Understanding Session objects
        User database objects
          Information objects
          Attachments and Histories
            Attachment objects
            History objects
          Workspace security objects
          Additional objects.
        Understanding AdminSession objects
        Schema repository objects
          Schema repository collection objects
      Working with sessions
        Getting a Session object
        Logging on to a database
        Using Session variables
        Using hooks to detect a Web session
        Actions and access control
          Primary actions
          Base actions
          Nested actions
            Hooks in nested actions
        Ending a session
        Working with multiple sessions
      Working with queries
        Creating queries
        Defining your search criteria
          Using query filters
        Running queries
        Working with a result set
          Creating a result set
          Running the query
          Navigating through the result set
          Retrieving values from fields
      Working with records
        Getting Entity objects
          Entities and hooks
          Default entity
        Creating a new record
        Editing an existing record
        Saving your changes
        Reverting your changes
        Viewing the contents of a record
          Ensuring that record data is current
      Accessing the schema repository
        Logging on to the schema repository
        Getting schema repository objects
        Updating user database information
      Performing user administration
        Rational ClearQuest API support for LDAP authentication
          Authentication overview
          Retrieving user login information
        Schema Repository AuthenticationAlgorithm
        Creating a new user with LDAP authentication
        User AuthenticationMode
        Impact on Existing APIs
      Upgrading user information from a schema repository to a user database
      Common API calls to get user information
      Performance considerations for using hooks
      AdminSession object
        Working with databases
        AdminSession object properties
        AdminSession object methods
      Attachment Object
        Attachment object properties
        Attachment object methods
      AttachmentField object
        AttachmentField object properties
        AttachmentField object methods
      AttachmentFields object
        AttachmentFields object properties
        AttachmentFields object methods
      Attachments object
        Attachments object properties
        Attachments object methods
      ChartMgr Object
        ChartMgr object properties
        ChartMgr object methods
      ClearQuest Object
        Rational ClearQuest object methods
      Database Object
        Database object properties
        Database object methods
      DatabaseDesc Object
      DatabaseDescs Object
        DatabaseDescs object methods
      Databases Object
        Databases object properties
        Databases object methods
      Entity Object
        Accessing the fields of a record
        Committing entity objects to the database
        Working with duplicates
        Finding duplicate records and the original record
        Finding duplicate objects and the original object
        Task-oriented entity methods
        Entity object properties
        Entity object methods
      EntityDef Object
        EntityDef object methods
      EntityDefs Object
        EntityDefs object properties
        EntityDefs object methods
      EventObject Object
        Understanding record scripts
        Form control events
        EventObject object properties
      FieldFilter Object
        FieldFilter Object methods
      FieldInfo Object
        FieldInfo object methods
      FieldInfos Object
        FieldInfos object methods
      FilterNode Object
        FilterNode object methods
      Folder Object
        Folder object methods
      Folders Object
        Folders object properties
        Folders object methods
      Group Object
        Group object properties
        Group object methods
      Groups Object
        Groups object properties
        Groups object methods
      Histories Object
        Histories object properties
        Histories object methods
      History Object
        History object properties
        History object methods
      HistoryField Object
        HistoryField object properties
        HistoryField object methods
      HistoryFields Object
        HistoryFields object properties
        HistoryFields object methods
      HookChoices Object
        HookChoices object methods
      Link Object
        Link object methods
      Links Object
        Links object methods
      MailMsg Object
        MailMsg object methods
      PackageRev Object
        PackageRev object properties
        PackageRev object methods
      PackageRevs Object
        PackageRevs object properties
        PackageRevs Object Methods
      Permission Object
        Permission object methods
      Permissions Object
        Permissions object properties
        Permissions object methods
      ProductInfo Object
        ProductInfo object methods
      QueryDef Object
        QueryDef object properties
        QueryDef object methods
      QueryFieldDef Object
        QueryFieldDef object properties
        QueryFieldDef object methods
      QueryFieldDefs Object
        QueryFieldDefs object properties
        QueryFieldDefs object methods
      QueryFilterNode Object
        QueryFilterNode object methods
      ReportMgr Object
        ReportMgr object methods
      ResultSet Object
        ResultSet object properties
        ResultSet object methods
      Schema Object
        Schema object properties
        Schema object methods
      SchemaRev Object
        SchemaRev object properties
        SchemaRev object methods
      SchemaRevs Object
        SchemaRevs object properties
        SchemaRevs object methods
      Schemas Object
        Schemas object properties
        Schemas object methods
      Session Object
        Task-oriented Session methods
        Session object properties
        Session object methods
      User Object
        User object properties
        User object methods
      Users Object
        Users object properties
        Users object methods
      Workspace Object
        Pathnames in the workspace
        Workspace object methods
      Examples of Hooks and Scripts
        Conceptual examples
          Opening a prepopulated form
            Opening a prepopulated form with the GSU_CQXE_SubmitRecord API
          Opening a URL
          Generating a custom message
          Getting and setting attachment information
          Building queries for defects and users
          Updating duplicate records to match the parent record
          Managing records (entities) that are stateless and stateful
          Extracting data about an EntityDef (record type)
          Extracting data about a field in a record
          Using field path names to retrieve field values
          Showing changes to a FieldInfo (field) object
          Showing changes to an Entity (record) object
          Running a query and reporting on its result set
          Running a query that has dynamic filters
          Getting a list of defects and modifying a record
          Sorting a result set
          Getting session and database information
          Running a query against more than one record type
          Creating a dependent choice list
          Triggering a task with the destination state
          Adding and removing users in a group
          Upgrading user information
          Workspace security example
          Controlling multirecord update edit operations
          Detecting when a record is in multirecord update mode
        Field hook examples
          Field choice list hook example
          Hook for creating a dependent list
          Field choice list hook to display user information
          InvalidateFieldChoiceList example
          Field default value hook examples
          Field permission hook example
          Field validation hook example
          Field value changed hook example
        Action hook examples
          Action initialization hook example
          Action initialization hook for a field value
          Action hook that sets the value of a parent record
          Action access control hook example
          Action commit hook example
          Action notification hook example
          Action validation hook example
        Record script example
        Global script example
        Using CAL methods in Rational ClearQuest hook scripts
        Using CtCmd with Rational ClearQuest Perl scripts for Rational ClearCase integrations
          Building CtCmd to work with cqperl on the UNIX system and Linux
          Windows platforms
          Using CtCmd for base Rational ClearCase and Rational ClearQuest
          Using CtCmd for UCM and Rational ClearQuest
        Advanced reporting and automation with cqperl
      Enumerated Constants
        ActionType constants
        AuthenticationAlgorithm constants
        AuthenticationMode constants
        Behavior constants
        BoolOp constants
        ChoiceType constants
        CompOp constants
        CQLDAPMap constants
        CType constants
        DatabaseVendor constants
        DbAggregate constants
        DbFunction constants
        EntityStatus constants
        EntityType constants
        EventType constants
        ExtendedNameOption constants
        FetchStatus constants
        FieldType constants
        FieldValidationStatus constants
        OLEWKSPCERROR constants
        OLEWKSPCREPORTTYPE constants
        PermissionKind constants
        QueryLimitType constants
        QueryType constants
        Return string constants
        SessionType constants
        Sort constants
        UserPrivilegeMaskType constants
        ValueStatus constants
        WorkspaceFolderType constants
        WorkspaceItemType constants
        WorkspaceQueryType constants
    Rational ClearQuest command reference
      bkt_tool delete
      bkt_tool export
      bkt_tool import
      bkt_tool update
      codepageutil analyze_tables
      codepageutil test_codepage
      cqload exportintegration
      cqload exportschema
      cqload importintegration
      cqload importschema
      importutil exportlist
      importutil importlist
      installutil convertschemarepo
      installutil convertuserdb
      installutil copyschemarepo
      installutil copyuserdb
      installutil getauthenticationalgorithm
      installutil getcqldapmap
      installutil getldapinit
      installutil getldapsearch
      installutil getmasterproperty
      installutil getmasterpropertytofile
      installutil getrecordlimits
      installutil lscodepage
      installutil licensecheck
      installutil setauthenticationalgorithm
      installutil setcqldapmap
      installutil setdbcodepage
      installutil sethighrecordlimit
      installutil setldapinit
      installutil setldapsearch
      installutil setmasterproperty
      installutil setmasterpropertyfromfile
      installutil showfeaturelevels
      installutil unlockschemarepo
      installutil unlockuserdb
      installutil validateldap
    Accessibility features for Rational ClearQuest
  IBM Rational ClearQuest documentation
    Release Notes
      What's new in Rational ClearQuest
    Introduction to Rational ClearQuest
      Using change requests in a development environment
        Database sets
        Change Requests
        Queries and Reports
      Assuming roles in a change request environment
        User role
        Administrator role
        Schema developer role
      Understanding the components in a change request environment
        User clients
        Administration tools
        MultiSite environment
        Report Management with the Report Launcher for Rational ClearQuest
      Security considerations for Rational ClearQuest
      Deploy for GDPR readiness
    Install and deploy Rational ClearQuest
      Planning the deployment and installation
        Hardware, software, and database requirements
        Select Rational ClearQuest clients
        Decide on the feature level
          Features in the feature levels
            Storing History Dates in Coordinated Universal Time (PDF)
        Plan your Rational ClearQuest database set architecture
        Prerequisite tasks by platform
          AIX 5.3
          Increasing the number of file handles on Linux workstations
        Vendor database configuration
          Configuring DB2
          Configuring Microsoft SQL Server
          Configuring Oracle
            Rational ClearQuest support for Oracle Service Names
            Tablespaces creation
              Creating a Permanent Tablespace
              Creating a Temporary Tablespace
            Database user login creation
              Creating the user login
          Configuring Microsoft Access
        Licensing requirements
          Web client licensing
          Rational ClearQuest MultiSite licensing
      Prerequisites and changes for using Rational ClearQuest v9.0.2 and later
      Prerequisite planning for installing Rational ClearQuest
        Installing License Key Administrator
        Installation scenario walkthroughs
          Installation scenario walkthrough: installation of Rational ClearQuest from a shared network drive
            Installing with Installation Manager from a shared network drive
          Installation scenario walkthrough: silent installation of Rational ClearQuest from a shared network drive
            Silently installing a Rational product from a shared network drive
            Recording a response file
            Running the silent install
            Installing a Rational product on a local computer
          Installation scenario walkthrough: silent installation of Rational ClearQuest with Installation Manager from a shared network drive
            Silently installing a Rational product from a shared network drive
            Recording a response file
            Running the silent install
            Installing a Rational product on a local computer
          Installation scenario walkthrough: installation of Rational ClearQuest with Installation Manager from an HTTP server
            Creating a repository on an HTTP server
            Installing a Rational product from an HTTP server with Installation Manager
            Installing a Rational product on a local computer from an HTTP server
            Using the Packaging Utility and Installation Manager
            Installation Manager updates
            Check for updates for Installation Manager and installed products
      User privilege requirements for installing the product
      IBM Installation Manager tasks
      Installing silently
      Installing the product package using the Installation Manager GUI
      Installing License Key Administrator
      Prepare the WebSphere Application Server environment
        Installing WebSphere Application Server web components
        Applying fix packs to WebSphere Application Server, IBM HTTP Server, and Web server plug-ins
        Configuring a web plug-in for IBM HTTP Server
        WebSphere Application Server profiles for web feature deployment
        WebSphere Application Server and IBM HTTP Server reference
          Directory conventions for web server deployments
          Quick reference for managing profiles, IBM WebSphere Application Server, and IBM HTTP Server
      Disable Terminal Services before installing, upgrading, or modifying Rational ClearQuest
      Installing Rational ClearQuest Web server
        Tuning WebSphere Application Server settings
        Configuring SSL support
        How to Install Rational ClearQuest
      Configuring your environment after installing
        Checklist of administrator tasks on Windows
        Checklist of user tasks on Windows
        Checklist of administrator tasks on Linux and UNIX systems
          Setting up remote access on UNIX and Linux hosts
        Checklist of user tasks on Linux and UNIX system
          Modifying your search paths
          Sourcing the Rational ClearQuest setup file
        Restart and verify servers
          Restart database servers
          Restart MultiSite synchronization and Rational Shipping Servers
          Restart other Rational products
        Changing the feature level and metaschema version
          Prepare your environment before upgrading
          Creating a test bed
          Upgrading the test bed
          Creating production databases
          Upgrading the production databases
        Database properties and connection information for DB2
          Database password encryption for DB2
          DB2 connection information
    Using IBM installation and packaging utilities
      Installation Manager
        About managing installations with Installation Manager
        Installing as an administrator or nonadministrator
        Agent data location
        Installation repositories
        Setting repository preferences
          Searching for updates
        Installing silently
          Installing Installation Manager in wizard mode
          Installation Manager command-line arguments
          Using Installation Manager to silently install and update packages
          Creating a response file with Installation Manager while installing
            Creating a response file manually
              Silent installation preference keys
              Response file commands
          Recording a response file with Installation Manager
          Using a response file to install
          Silently uninstalling Installation Manager
          Sample response file: Installing a package
          Silent installation log files
        Package groups and the shared resource directory
        Updating the product
        Modifying a product installation
        Uninstalling the product
      IBM Packaging Utility
        Installing Packaging Utility
        Copying product packages using Packaging Utility
  Upgrading and migrating
    Planning your upgrade
      Hardware, software, and database requirements
      Choose an upgrade strategy
        Upgrade the environment at one time
        Upgrade the environment in phases
      Decide on the feature level
        Features in the feature levels
          Storing History Dates in Coordinated Universal Time (PDF)
      Selecting data code page
      Considerations for upgrading licensing
      Upgrade Rational ClearQuest Web Server features: considerations and best practices
        Web Server
        Rational ClearQuest Report Server and reporting features
        Full-Text Search Server
        Environments with OSLC integration
        Update LDAP configuration to support TLS 1.2 protocol
      Prepare the environment
        Preserve ClearQuest Web configuration files
          Migrating ClearQuest Web configuration settings
            Migrating the file
            Backing up, modifying, and restoring the MBean configuration
          Preserving the CM Server configuration
        Upgrade vendor databases
        Import all MultiSite packets
    Upgrading Rational ClearQuest
      User privilege requirements for installing the product
      Increasing the number of file handles on Linux workstations
      Upgrading the Rational License Key Server
        License Migration Utility
        Importing permanent authorized user keys
        Returning or moving license keys
      Change to search order for license keys
      Installation scenarios
        Installing from an electronic image on your workstation: task overview
        Placing the product package on an HTTP web server
        Installing from a repository on an HTTP or HTTPS web server
        Placing the electronic image on a shared directory
      Upgrading packages to the latest versions
      Package groups and the shared resource directory
    Configuring your environment after upgrading
      Restart and verify servers
        Restart database servers
        Restart MultiSite synchronization and Rational Shipping Servers
      Clearing the browser cache
      Updating link configuration for OSLC integrations
      Changing the feature level and metaschema version
        Prepare your environment before upgrading
        Creating a test bed
        Upgrading the test bed
        Creating production databases
        Upgrading the production databases
      Migrating ClearQuest Web configuration settings
        Migrating the file
        Backing up, modifying, and restoring the MBean configuration
      Upgrading packages to the latest versions
      Setting database properties and connection information
        Database properties and connection information for DB2
          Database password encryption for DB2
          DB2 connection information
        Database Password Encryption for Oracle
        Database properties and connection information for SQL Server
          Supporting mixed environments for SQL Server
          SQL Server connection information
          Configuring Microsoft SQL Server
      Propagating connection information to clients
        Refreshing connections for Rational ClearQuest Client on Linux and the UNIX system
    Administering Rational ClearQuest
      Reconfiguring ClearQuest to use a different JRE
      Managing databases
        Tools for managing databases
        Database backup procedures and schedules
        Vendor databases
          Supported vendor database character sets
          Vendor database properties
            Case sensitivity in vendor databases
          Moving or restoring Rational ClearQuest databases using independent software vendor utilities
        Schemas and schema repositories
          Creating a schema repository
          Creating a sample database
          Moving a schema repository by using the Maintenance Tool
          Moving a schema repository by using vendor database tools
          Updating schema repositories without connections
          Updating schema repositories connection
        User databases
          Creating a user database
          Viewing database properties
          Moving a user database with the Designer
          Moving a user database with vendor database tools
          Deleting a user database
          Restoring a deleted user database
          Increasing the user database record ID limit
          Procedure to use the relocateschemarepo and relocateuserdb commands to update databases
        Connections and database sets
          Creating a connection
          Editing a connection
          Renaming a connection
          Duplicating an existing connection
          Deleting and restoring a connection
          Using the installutil commands registeroracleoptions and getoracleoptions
          Using the relocateschemarepo and relocateuserdb commands to update database information
          How to use the installutil recreateindexes command
        Connection profiles
          Exporting a connection profile
          Importing a connection profile
        Modifiable master properties
        Code pages and national language support
          About national language support
            Code page and national language support terminology
            Extended code page support
            National language support
            National language character data support
            Mixed character-set deployments
            Supported data code pages
            Supported vendor database character sets
            Locales associated with supported Rational ClearQuest data code pages
            Rational ClearQuest character exclusion lists
          Preparing to configure national language support
            Configuration considerations
              About the Rational ClearQuest data code page
              Rational ClearQuest integrations and data code pages
              MultiSite and the Rational ClearQuest data code page value
              Code Pages on the Rational ClearQuest Web client
            Selecting the Rational ClearQuest data code page
              Guidelines for selecting a Rational ClearQuest data code page
              Code page interoperation with previous versions of Rational ClearQuest
              Results of Rational ClearQuest data code page selection
              Vendor database character sets and the Rational ClearQuest data code page
              Local character sets and the Rational ClearQuest data code page
              How Rational ClearQuest validates data code page characters
              Code page conversion details
          Working with Rational ClearQuest data code pages
            Creating a schema repository
            Changing the ClearQuest data code page value
            Ensuring characters in database sets are supported in a Rational ClearQuest data code page
              Developing a data conversion strategy
                Types of fields with unsupported characters
                Mapping unsupported characters to supported characters
                Dealing with unrecognized characters
                Preserving existing information
                Manual and batch-conversion processes
              The codepageutil and installutil subcommands and data code page
                General guidelines for using the code page utility
                Running the code page utility codepageutil
                Evaluating codepageutil output data
                Using the code page utility with Rational ClearQuest MultiSite
                Using installutil to set the data code page value for a pre-7.0 schema repository
                installutil setdbcodepage
              Adding and removing code page headers from exported files
      Managing user accounts
        Viewing database subscriptions
        User privileges
        Working with users
          Adding a user
          Assigning user access privileges
          Adding or modifying user access privileges
          Specifying user authentication
          Subscribing users and groups to databases
          Unsubscribing users and groups from databases
          Upgrading user databases
          Editing user profiles
          Editing a user profile from the Rational ClearQuest client
          Remember-the-password feature and FIPS 140-2 approved encryption
          Disabling and re-enabling the remember-password feature for a database set
          Protecting deployments from brute-force password attacks
          Making users and groups inactive
          Making users and groups active
        Working with user groups
          Creating a user group
          Adding users to a group
          Combine groups
          Removing users or groups from a group
        User access to actions
          Restricting user access to an action
        Exporting and importing users and user groups
          Exporting users and user groups
          Importing users and user groups
        Administering users in a MultiSite environment
          Effect of mastership on Rational ClearQuest client users
          Effect of mastership on user administration
          Determining current mastership of users and groups
          Change the mastership of the user
            Changing the mastership of a user
            Synchronizing replicas after mastership changes
            Updating the user database with the mastership change
      Configuring query limits on result sets
        Guidelines for configuring query limits
        Set the hard limit on result sets
        Get the hard limit on result sets
        Set the soft limit on result sets
        Get the soft limit on result sets
      Using LDAP with Rational ClearQuest
        LDAP authentication model
        Before you set up LDAP
        Setting up LDAP authentication
          Collecting LDAP information
          LDAP configuration steps for Rational ClearQuest
            Step 1: Set the authentication algorithm to CQ_ONLY
            Step 2: Set the Rational ClearQuest LDAP connection information
            Step 3: Set the LDAP search criteria
            Step 4: Set the Rational ClearQuest-LDAP mapping criteria
            Step 5: Validate the LDAP configuration information
            Step 6: Set the authentication algorithm to CQ_FIRST
            Step 7: Set a user's authentication mode
            Step 8: Test for LDAP authentication
          MultiSite considerations
          Disabling LDAP authentication
          Common LDAP configurations
          Enabling SSL Encryption with GSKit
            Setting the JAVA_HOME environment variable
            Creating a key database
            Using certificates from a commercial certificate authority
            Importing self-signed certificates
            Distributing the key database file
            Setting the LDAP connection information for SSL
          Configuring Rational ClearQuest with LDAP user authentication for TLS 1.2 to support NIST SP 800-131A guidelines
          TLS 1.0/1.1 ciphers disabled by default for secure LDAP connections
          Configure FIPS 140-2 approved data encryption
            Configuring the IBM JRE to use FIPS 140-2 approved providers
            Determine if a deployment is FIPS 140-2 approved
          Quick-reference LDAP worksheet
          installutil getauthenticationalgorithm
          installutil getcqldapmap
          installutil getldapinit
          installutil getldapsearch
          installutil setauthenticationalgorithm
          installutil setcqldapmap
          installutil setldapinit
          installutil setldapsearch
          installutil validateldap

        GUI changes to support LDAP
          User administration
          Export Wizard
          Import Wizard
          Designer Test Database login window
        Summary: performing LDAP-related administrative tasks
      Workspace folder permissions overview
        Introduction to workspace folder permissions
          Workspace folder permissions terminology
          Workspace folder permissions and permission precedence
          Permission-granting model
          Permission inheritance
        Developing workspace folder permission policies
        Scenarios for workspace folder permissions
          Scenario 1: Limited access to the Public Queries folder
          Scenario 2: Basic customer access to an internal database
          Scenario 3: Customer access to an internal database using Public Queries folder queries
          Scenario 4: Customer access to an internal database using a common folder
          Scenario 5: Limited internal visibility to a customer folder
      Optimistic and pessimistic record locking
        Find and remove abandoned locks and perform lock time-out operations
      Configuring ClearQuest core logging and tracing
        Modify the locations of and the log files
        Modify the ClearQuest core log properties in
        Enabling Rational ClearQuest core error and message logging
    Administering Rational ClearQuest Web
      About Rational ClearQuest Web server
        Rational ClearQuest Web server architecture
        Configuring Rational ClearQuest Web server
          Default profile names, locations, port numbers, server names, and URLs
          Configuring administrative security
          Configuring secure connections
          Configuring proxy servers
          Configuring port settings
          Windows Configuring the Rational ClearQuest Web server service account
          Configuring the Rational ClearQuest Web properties files
          Backing up, modifying, and restoring the MBean configuration
            Backing up and restoring the MBean configuration
              Exporting MBean configuration settings
              Importing MBean configuration settings
            Modifying MBean attributes with the wsadmin tool
            Modifying MBean attributes in the Site Configuration window
          Configuring load balancing
        Monitoring Rational ClearQuest Web server
          Monitoring Rational ClearQuest Web server with the Site Monitoring window
          Monitoring the Rational ClearQuest RPC servers
          Configuring logging
            Configuring WebSphere Application Server logging
            Configuring Rational ClearQuest Web logging
      Configuring Rational ClearQuest Web with the Site Configuration window
        Security Options page
        Application Options page
        Rational ClearQuest Web Server Options page
        Report Options page
        Email Options page
      Customizing security
        Restricted mode
          Configuring restricted mode
        Persistent cookies and session cookies
          Disabling persistent cookies
      Rational ClearQuest and single sign-on
      Configuring strong authentication with smart cards
        Architecture of smart card authentication
        Configuring WebSphere Application Server
          Configuring client authentication in WebSphere Application Server
          Configuring LDAP on WebSphere Application Server
          Configuring the LDAP client certificate filter
          Configuring the certificate authority
          Configuring the certificate revocation list
          Securing WebSphere Application Server
        Configuring Rational ClearQuest Web
          Enable Rational ClearQuest Web server administrative security
          Configuring the web deployment descriptor file for client certificate authentication of OSLC calls
          Configuring client certificate authentication for Rational ClearQuest Web
          Mapping users to LDAP groups
          Configuring container authentication for Rational ClearQuest Web
            Configuring Rational ClearQuest databases for container authentication
            Configuring Rational ClearQuest Web server for container authentication
            Configuring the Rational ClearQuest Web client for container authentication
          Configure LDAP mapping for Rational ClearQuest databases
        Troubleshoot smart card configuration issues
      Configuring and maintaining full-text search
        Full-text search architecture
        Full-text search configuration
          Monitoring Solr
          Securing the Solr administrative console
          Scenarios for setting up and configuring full-text search
            Enabling full-text search on the SAMPL database
            Enabling full-text search on production databases
            Changing the display field for indexed record types
            Enabling full-text search on additional databases in a deployment
            Adding record types to the search index
            Removing record types from the search index
            Adding fields to indexed record types
            Removing fields from indexed record types
            Enabling full-text search in a load-balanced deployment
            Setting up full-text search in a Rational ClearQuest MultiSite deployment
            Upgrading or reinstalling Rational ClearQuest in a full-text search deployment with multiple WebSphere profiles
            Enabling full-text search on a non-English database
            Upgrading Solr to the latest version supported by Rational ClearQuest
      Configuring and customizing the type-ahead feature
      Configuring e-mail transports
        Configure SMTP
          Configuring SMTP on Windows
          Configuring SMTP on the UNIX system and Linux
        Configure MAPI
          Configuring Microsoft Exchange Server for MAPI
          Configuring Rational ClearQuest Web servers for MAPI
          Configuring site email options for MAPI
      Configuring integrations for Collaborative Lifecycle Management
      Managing OSLC integrations in a load-balanced deployment
        Configuring ClearQuest Web to manage OSLC integrations in a load-balanced deployment
        Manually updating OSLC integration settings in the repository
        Troubleshoot OSLC integrations issues in a load-balanced deployment
      Using Rational ClearQuest to prefill OSLC 2.0-linked records
    Administering Rational ClearQuest Multisite
        Replicated database sets
          Clans, families, and sites
          Types of schema repositories
          MultiSite terminology
        Replica synchronization in a family
          Operation logs for databases
            Operation tracking for each replica
            Epoch numbers
              Indirect synchronization
              Example: Synchronization and the epoch number matrix
        Modification management in multiple replicas: Mastership
          Database object mastership
        Database object conflict resolution
      Implementation planning
        MultiSite installation
        MultiSite licensing
        Shipping server use with Rational ClearCase and Rational ClearQuest
        Mastership policies
        MultiSite use model
          Policies for a single code page in a clan
          multiutil commands on multiple computers
          Mastership changes of database objects
            Synchronization schedule
            Synchronization pattern
              Directions of exchange
              One-to-one and ring synchronization
              One-to-many synchronization
              Many-to-many synchronization
          Backup strategy for databases
          Scrubbing parameters for replicas
            Oplog scrubbing
          Path names that contain spaces
        UCM integration compatibility issues
        Overview of deployment tasks
        Responsibilities of MultiSite administrators
      Packet transportation methods and configuration
        File-based methods
          Electronic mail
          Physical media
          Store-and-forward configuration
            Packet differentiation with storage classes
            Directories for packets
            Indirect shipping route setup
          Store-and-forward packet submission
            Communication between replica hosts
            Packet size limitation
          Retries, expirations, and returned data
          Files that are not packets
        Store-and-forward through a firewall
          Firewall issues
          Shipping server installation on an exposed host
          Configuring your firewall to limit access
            Ports used by albd_server and shipping_server
              Specifying port values
          Using store-and-forward through a firewall
      Database replica creation
        Database activation
        Export a replica-creation packet
        Empty vendor database creation
        Import a replica-creation packet
          Recovering from a failed import
        Replica creation scenario
          Activating the database set
          Exporting the replica packet
          Transporting the replica packet
          Importing the replica packet
      Replica synchronization
        Manual synchronization
        Automated synchronization
        Assumption of successful synchronization
        Schema updates from imported packets
        Synchronization of multiple user database families with msimportauto.bat
      Database replicas administration
        Displaying properties of a replica
        Rename replicas and sites
        Moving a replica or changing vendor database software
        Moving or renaming a synchronization server
        Replica deletion
          Removing a functioning replica from a clan
          Removing an inoperable site from a clan
          Using MultiSite after removing the last replica in a clan
        Upgrading a schema version
        Updating database subscriptions after replicating a database
        Database record ID management
          Changing allocation of ID blocks to a replica
          Increasing the user database record ID limit
      Mastership management
        Mastership changes of database objects
          Transferring mastership of a record
          Transferring mastership of a Workspace item
          Transferring mastership of a working schema repository
          Fixing an accidental mastership change
        Mastership management of users and groups
          Mastership issues when creating users and groups
      Troubleshoot MultiSite operations
        Replica export problems
          Recovering from a mkreplica –export failure
        Transport problems
          Invalid destination
          Shipping server fails to start or connection is refused
          Shipping order expires
        Replica import problems
        Synchronization export problems
          Cannot find oplog entry
          Packets accumulate in outgoing storage bay
          Replica cannot update itself
        Synchronization import problems
          Packets accumulate in incoming storage bay
          Packet is not applicable to any local replicas
          Read from input stream fails
          Miscellaneous problems
          Lost packet recovery
        Removing circular duplicate links
        Naming conflict resolution
          Workspace naming conflicts and Rational ClearQuest Web
          Stateless record type naming conflicts
            Record uninqueness
            Find stateless records with naming conflicts
            Renaming records
          Ambiguous users and user groups
            Renaming users
        Lost database replica recovery
          Restoring a replica from backup
        replica repair with multiutil repair
        Error messages
      MultiSite command set
        multiutil command use
        Replica creation, synchronization, and management commands
        Object mastership commands
        Failure-recovery commands
        Additional MultiSite commands
        MultiSite API functions
        MultiSite reference pages
          MultiSite Control Panel
    Reporting on Rational ClearQuest data sources
      About data-pull and data-push reporting models
      Client and server architecture for the reporting feature
    Reporting deployment planning
      Scenarios for planning your reporting deployment
      About the Rational ClearQuest Reporting Driver
        Supported BIRT versions for Rational ClearQuest
        Configuring the Rational ClearQuest Reporting Driver
          Configuring the Eclipse IDE for Java and Report Developers with Rational ClearQuest
          Configuring the BIRT Report Designer RCP for Rational ClearQuest reporting
          Configuring the BIRT runtime for Rational ClearQuest reporting
          Configuring an Eclipse Workbench for Rational ClearQuest reporting activities
          Configuring Rational Team Concert for Rational ClearQuest reporting
      About the Report Launcher for Rational ClearQuest
        Deploying the Report Launcher for Rational ClearQuest
          Installing Report Launcher for Rational ClearQuest on WebSphere Application Server
          Configuring Report Launcher for Rational ClearQuest
        Deploying the BIRT server runtime on the WebSphere Application Server
          Installing BIRT web archive on WebSphere Application Server
          Configuring the BIRT web archive on the WebSphere Application Server
          Configuring the BIRT runtime for Rational ClearQuest reporting
          Verifying the BIRT deployment
          Customizing the BIRT report viewer
        Configuring security for the Report Launcher and reports
          About Rational ClearQuest reporting security
          Configuring security for the Report Launcher and reports
            Mapping users and groups to security roles
            Customizing security in WebSphere Application Server
          Managing credentials for BIRT reports
            Passing credentials to BIRT reports at run time
            Clearing user and password settings
        Using the Report Launcher
          Sharing reports on the server
    Developing Schemas
      Understanding the Functions of a Schema Developer
        Considerations for integrations with Rational ClearQuest
      Using the Designer Interface
        Working in the Schema Repository Explorer view
          Filtering the Rational ClearQuest Schema Repository Explorer view
        Working with working sets
          Creating a working set
          Selecting a working set
      Working with Schemas
        Naming restrictions
        Viewing the schema history
        Modifying schemas
        Creating a test database
        Checking out schemas
        Creating schemas from the Blank schema
        Selecting a Scripting Language
        Validating schemas
        Creating a test configuration
        Setting test preferences
        Testing schemas
        Checking in schemas
          Undoing schema checkouts
        Updating properties of user databases
        Upgrading user databases
        Deleting schemas or schema versions
        Changing a database association to a different schema
          Assigning different schemas to user databases
        Comparing and merging schemas
        Setting schema compare preferences
      Customizing Schemas
        Working with Record Types
          Adding record types to schemas
          Selecting the unique key for stateless record types
          Setting the default record type
          Record type families
          Adding record type families to schemas
          Adding members to record type families
          Removing members from record type families
          Renaming record types or record type families
          Deleting record types or families
          Adding fields to record types
        Working with fields
          Displaying the Record Fields grid
          Considerations for selecting field data types
            Dates and times
          Adding fields to a record type
          Adding help text to fields
          Defining the behavior of fields
          Modifying field properties
          Renaming fields
          Deleting fields
          Linking records to share common data
          Linking records to create parent/child hierarchies
          Defining field hooks
        Working with State Models
          State model for the Defect record type
          State model for the EnhancementRequest record type
          State type models for packages
          Supporting a mixed local character set or a UTF-8 multilingual database
          Considerations in state model design
          Customizing State Models with the State Transisition Matrix
            Displaying the state model for a record type
            Adding states to the state transition model
            Mapping state types
            Changing state names
            Deleting states
        Working with Actions and Action Types
          Displaying the Actions grid
          Adding actions
          Creating state transitions
          Modifying actions
          Defining action hooks
          Defining the default action of states
          Deleting actions
      Working with Schemas and Packages
        Rational ClearQuest predefined schemas
        Rational ClearQuest packages
      Working with Packages and Integrations
        Precautions when applying packages
        Packages available
        Overview of package application process
          Applying packages
          Enabling record types
          Mapping state types
          Assigning default actions for states
        Examples: The Notes, Attachments, and Email packages
        Checking which packages have been applied to a schema
        Upgrading packages
          Upgrading schemas to new versions of packages
        The AuditTrail and eSignature packages
          The AuditTrail package
          The eSignature package
            Using eSig_Config records
              The Record Type field
              The States and Sign When fields
              The Sign by Action field
            Signature data
            Signature enforcement and authentication
            Signature validity
            Data display
          Customizing the packages
            Using the extensions
            AuditTrail extensions
              Excluding fields from auditing
              Formatting data
              Disabling audit trails
            eSignature customizations
              Formatting signature data
              Controlling access to eSig_Config records
        EmailPlus package
          EmailPlus record types
            EmailPlusConfig record type
            EmailPlusSiteConfig record type
              Email transport types
            EmailPlusRule record type
            EmailPlusTemplate record type
            EmailPlusAction record type
            EmailPlusRuleSubscription record type
            EmailPlusPostOffice record type
          Working with EmailPlus templates
            Template meta tags
              ActionerUserName tag
              AttachmentByDescription tag
              AttachmentByName tag
              EmbedChart tag
              Expression tag
              NameOfRule tag
              NameofUserInField tag
              RestUri::CHART tag
              RestUri::QUERY tag
              RestUri::REPORT tag
              RestUriOfEntity tag
              URLofChart tag
              URLofEntity tag
              URLofQuery tag
              URLofReport tag
              Template meta tag substitution extension point
              Expression tag examples
              Meta characters in regular expressions
            Working with embedded field expressions in meta tags
            Embedding images in an HTML body template
            Retaining HTML formatting when using expressions and meta tags
              EMP_Verbatim function
              EMP_EscapeHTML function
          Creating EmailPlus rules
            Specifying the EmailPlus rule definition
            Defining a rule phrase on the EmailPlus Rule tab
            Defining a rule phrase on the Actions/States tab
            Defining a rule phrase on the Advanced Rule tab
              EmailPlusRule advanced rules examples
              EmailPlus global script functions
            Adding subscribers to an EmailPlus rule
              Specifying To/CC addresses
              Specifiying EmailPlusRule subscribers
              Configuring addressing options
          Customizing an enabled record type
          Mail relay
            SMTP Relay
            PostOffice Relay
            The Rational ClearQuest EmailRelay application
            Configuring the EmailRelay application
       script parameters for Rational ClearQuest Web server
       script parameters for the Rational ClearQuest EmailRelay server
       script parameters for the SMTP Email server
              Configuring the length of multiline text
              Configuring the EmailRelay application: Examples
                The EmailRelay application on a non-replicated, single Rational ClearQuest database
                The EmailRelay application on a non-replicated Rational ClearQuest database with multiple Rational ClearQuest databases
                The EmailRelay application on a replicated, single Rational ClearQuest database
                The EmailRelay application on a replicated Rational ClearQuest database with multiple Rational ClearQuest databases
                Changing the EmailRelay configuration
              Switching between SMTP and SMTPS settings in the EmailRelay configuration
              Importing a keystore certificate into WebSphere for use with the EmailRelay service
              Troubleshooting the script
            EmailRelay XML customization
              EmailRelay <CQDatabase> XML block
              EmailRelay <DeliveryMode> XML block
              EmailRelay <SMTPServer> XML block
            Starting and stopping the EmailRelay application
            Setting up EmailRelay for different types of email servers
          Email attachments
            Rational ClearQuest client temporary cache directory
          Debugging EmailPlus
          Administration of EmailPlus
        Attachments package
          Attachments package AXPAttachmentControl record type
          Restricting access to the AXPAttachmentsControl record
      Test Management
      Working with Forms
        Creating forms
          Changing the name of forms
          Changing the size of forms
          Deleting forms
        Working with Pages on Forms
          Adding tabs to forms
          Changing form page (tab) names
          Restricting access to tabs
          Changing the order of tabs
          Deleting pages (tabs)
        Reusing record forms
          Exporting forms
          Importing forms
        Working with Form Controls
          Adding form controls using the control palette
          Adding controls using the Field List
          Selecting controls in forms
          Editing the properties of field controls in forms
          Deleting form controls
          Changing the tab order of form controls
          Descriptions of Form Controls
            ActiveX control
            Attachment control
            Check-box control
            Combo-box control
            Drop-down list box control
            Drop-down combo box control
            Duplicate base control
            Duplicate dependents control
            Group box control
            History control
            List box control
            List view control
            Option button control
            Parent/Child control
            Picture control
            Static text box control
            Text-box control
      Creating a security model
        Hiding records
        Privileged Queries feature
        Protecting from password attacks
        Password protection scenarios
        Designing a security system
        Security example
        Using other Rational ClearQuest security features
          Adding password protection
      Using Hooks to Customize your Workflow
        Field hooks
          Adding field hooks
          Editing field hooks
          Deleting field hooks
          Creating a dependency between fields
          Creating choice lists for fields
          Creating dynamic choice lists
          Editing dynamic lists
          Specifying default values for fields
          Validating user input in fields
        Action hooks
          Adding action hooks
          Editing action hooks
          Deleting action hooks
          Hiding actions that a user cannot perform
        Execution order of field and action hooks
        Working with Record Scripts
          Adding record scripts to record types
          Editing record scripts
          Deleting record scripts
        Working with Global Scripts
          Creating global scripts
          Editing global scripts
          Deleting global scripts
        Writing external applications
        Using the Rational ClearQuest API
        Common API calls
        Finding text in hook scripts
      Database Locking
        Enabling pessimistic record locking
          Enabling pessimistic record locking without initiating an action
          Examples of pessimistic record locking hook code
        Lock maintenance
      Customizing Rational ClearQuest Web
        Testing schema modifications in Rational ClearQuest Web
        Integrations with Rational ClearQuest clients
        Using hooks in Rational ClearQuest Web
          Displaying messages on the Rational ClearQuest Web client
          Enabling dependent fields for Rational ClearQuest Web
          Using hooks to detect a Web session
      Using E-Mail
        Automatic e-mail notification
          Creating e-mail rules
            Specifying rule controls for an e-mail rule
            Specifying action controls for e-mail rules
            Specifying display fields for email rules
            Specifying e-mail addresses for e-mail rules
            Specifying cc addresses for email rules
          Sample e-mail rules
          Finding existing e-mail rules
          Modifying existing e-mail rules
          Administering e-mail addresses
          Enabling Rational ClearQuest clients to send email
          Enabling e-mail notification for Rational ClearQuest Web
        Round-trip e-mail
        EmailPlus package
        Using action hooks to send e-mail
      Importing and Exporting Data
        Overview of importing and exporting data
        Adding and removing code page headers from exported files
        Starting the import process
        Testing the import process
        Creating an import schema
        Creating a database for imported data
        Creating a Rational ClearQuest import file
          Import file format for record types
          Import file format for history information
          Import file format for attachments
        Configuring the Import Tool
        Exporting data
        Importing data into Rational ClearQuest
          Importing records
          Importing duplicate records
          Recovering from import errors
          Updating existing records
  Managing change and releases
    Using your Rational ClearQuest Web client
      Understanding your Rational ClearQuest Web client
        Enable JavaScript in Web browsers
          Configuring Internet Explorer
          Configuring Firefox
        Schema repositories, user databases, and database sets
        Logging on to Rational ClearQuest Web
        Customizing Rational ClearQuest Web client
          Changing the font size
          Modifying the user profile
            Editing the user profile
            Setting an e-mail address
            Changing passwords
          Setting Rational ClearQuest preferences
        Understanding privileges and restrictions
          About user and group privileges
          About restricted mode
          Reveal Existence feature
          Viewing folder permissions
      Using records to store change requests
        About records
        Record states and state transitions
        Record types
        Finding and viewing records
          Finding records by running a query
          Finding state-based records by using a record ID
          Finding stateless records by using a unique identifier
          Find records by using full-text search
            Lucene query terminology and syntax
              Term modifiers
              Boolean operators
            Finding records by using full-text search
        Viewing records
          Viewing existing records
          Using Public List View
          Form Selection
          Dynamic Forms feature
        Creating and submitting records
          Using record templates
            Creating a Personal record template
            Public Template feature
            Creating a Public record template
            Loading and updating a record template
          Changing the state of a record
          Changing the state of multiple records
        Modifying multiple records
          Running a multirecord update
          Multirecord update page size
          Canceling a multirecord update
          Handling dialogs boxes from built-in form controls while recording a multirecord update
          Handling pop-up forms during a multirecord update
        Deleting records
        Duplicating records
        Reverting the state of duplicate records
        Printing records
        Sending the Web address of records by e-mail
        Running recent records, queries, reports, and charts again
        Bookmarking records, queries, reports, or charts
        Adding records, queries, reports, or charts to Rational ClearQuest Favorites
        Viewing and saving UCM change set versions
        Viewing recently accessed records
      Adding attachments to records to store additional information
        About file attachments
        Adding attachments to records
        Deleting attachments from records
        Viewing file attachments to records
      Using queries to find records
        About queries
        About query filters
        Querying across multiple record types
        Creating and running queries
        Editing queries
        Running queries
        Bookmarking records, queries, reports, or charts
        Adding records, queries, reports, or charts to Rational ClearQuest Favorites
        Sending the Web address of a query, report, or chart by e-mail
        Running recent records, queries, reports, and charts again
        Configuring startup queries, reports, or charts
        Clearing startup queries, reports, or charts
        Working with result sets
          Refreshing the contents of result sets
          Customizing columns in result sets
          Controlling date and time format displayed in result sets
          Editing queries in result sets
          Creating a query from a query result set selection
          Printing result sets
          Exporting the contents of result sets
          Importing query results into Microsoft Excel
      Viewing query results in reports
        About designing and running reports
        About reporting capabilities when using the Rational ClearQuest Web client
        Bookmarking records, queries, reports, or charts
        Sending the Web address of a query, report, or chart by e-mail
        Running recent records, queries, reports, and charts again
        Configuring startup queries, reports, or charts
        Clearing startup queries, reports, or charts
      Analyzing query results in charts
        About charts
        Running data-push charts
        Bookmarking records, queries, reports, or charts
        Sending the Web address of a query, report, or chart by e-mail
        Running recent records, queries, reports, and charts again
        Configuring startup queries, reports, or charts
        Clearing startup queries, reports, or charts
      Using integrations for Collaborative Lifecycle Management
      Creating REST URIs to log on and perform common tasks
        Creating REST URIs to log on
        Creating REST URIs to reference records
          Creating REST URIs to find records
          Creating REST URIs to view records
          Creating REST URIs to modify records
          Creating REST URIs to submit records
        Creating REST URIs to run queries
        Creating REST URIs to run data-push reports
        Creating REST URIs to run data-push charts
      Rational ClearQuest records enabled for UCM
      Working with database replicas
        Using Rational ClearQuest in a MultiSite environment
        About mastership
    Using the Rational ClearQuest Client
      Connection management
        Connecting to a database
        Disconnecting from a database
        Adding a connection
        Deleting a connection
      Organizing and navigating the workspace
        Editing your user profile
        E-Mail rules and e-mail notification
          Setting email notification options
        Setting ClearQuest preferences
        Viewing, changing, and assigning folder permissions
        Editing a named list
      Using records to store change requests
        About records
        Record states and state transitions
        Record types
        Submitting a record
        Using record templates
          Creating a record template
          Loading and updating a record template
          Exporting record templates
          Importing record templates
        How to use in-line editing
        Modifying a record
        Changing the state of a record
        Marking a record as a duplicate
        Finding a record
        Viewing the history of the Find Record command
        Printing a record or result set
        Exporting records
        Importing records
        Exporting query results
      Adding attachments to records to store additional information
        About file attachments
        Adding an attachment to a record
        Editing an attachment
        Saving an attachment
      Using queries to find records
        About queries
        About query filters
        Creating and running a query
        Editing a query
        Editing a query as SQL text
        Running a query
        Setting a query to run at startup
        Importing a query
        Exporting a query
      Viewing query results in reports
        About designing and running reports
        About data-pull and data-push reporting models
        Designing data-pull reports
          Data-pull report design using BIRT
            Using the BIRT Report Designer
            Using BIRT v4.6
            Using script undeployBIRT.bat/sh
          Dynamic query use in building data-pull reports
          Sample data-pull reports
      Using the Report Launcher
        Sharing reports on the server
      Analyzing query results in charts
        About charts
        Creating a chart
        Running a chart
        Importing a chart
        Exporting a chart
        Data-pull query creation for simple charts
      Working with database replicas
        About mastership
        Using Rational ClearQuest in a MultiSite environment
    Using Rational ClearQuest for Windows client
      Understanding security and privileges
        About Rational ClearQuest security
        About user and group privileges
        Viewing, changing, and assigning folder permissions
      Working with databases
        Logging on to a Rational ClearQuest database
        Logging on to a different Rational ClearQuest database
      Modifying the user profile
        Editing your user profile
        E-Mail rules and e-mail notification
          Configuring a client to receive e-mail notification
          Configuring your client to send email notification
          Installing Collaboration Data Objects
      Customizing the client and display settings
        Adding a workspace item to the Query menu
        Modifying the result-set grid display settings
        Changing the font display on a record form
      Using records to store change requests
        About records
        Record types
        Record states and state transitions
        Finding and viewing a record
        Modifying a single record
        Modifying multiple records
        Changing the state of a record
        Marking a duplicate record
        Printing a record
        Submitting a record
        Viewing the history of a record
        Changing the font display on a record form
        Defining a record template with default values
      Adding attachments to records to store additional information
        About file attachments
        Adding an attachment to a record
        Opening an attachment to a record
        Saving an attachment to a record
        Deleting an attachment from a record
      Using queries to find records
        About queries
        About query filters
        About creating queries
        Using the Query wizard to find information
          Creating a query by using the Query wizard
          Selecting the result-set display fields by using the Query wizard
          Modifying column titles in a result set
          Selecting filters by using the Query wizard
          Querying across multiple record types
          Defining filters and operators by using the Query wizard
          Grouping query filters
          Moving fields to the Favorites folder
          Saving a query
        Using the Query and Display editors to find information
          Creating a query by using the Query and Display editors
          Using the Query editor to create and edit queries
            Selecting filters in the Query editor
            Defining filters in the Filter window
            Grouping query filters
            Querying across multiple record types
            Moving fields to the Favorites folder
          Using the Display editor to configure and update result set displays
            Selecting the result-set display fields in the Display editor
            Moving fields to the Favorites folder
            Sorting a result set
            Modifying column titles in a result set
            Hiding and showing fields in a result set
            Editing fields in a result set
            Editing the header and footer in a result set
            Searching for text in a result set
            Modifying the result-set grid display settings
          Saving a query
        Editing the SQL properties of a query
        Printing and exporting result sets
          Printing a result set
          Exporting a result set
        Running and working with queries in the workspace
          Running a query in the workspace
          Configuring a query, report, or chart to run at startup
          Exporting a query
          Importing a query
      Viewing query results in reports
        About exporting and importing report formats
        Creating a report by using a report format and a query
        Creating a report by using a query result set
        Editing a report
        Running a report
        About exporting and importing reports
        Importing a report into the workspace
        Exporting a report
        Configuring a query, report, or chart to run at startup
      Analyzing query results in charts
        About charts
        Creating a chart
        Specifying parameters for a distribution chart
        Specifying parameters for a trend chart
        Specifying parameters for an aging chart
        Editing the properties of a chart
        Editing the labels on a chart
        Running a chart
        Drilling down in a distribution chart
        Exporting a chart graphics file
        Printing a chart
        Configuring a query, report, or chart to run at startup
      Working with database replicas
        Using Rational ClearQuest in a MultiSite environment
        About mastership
        Viewing and changing mastership of a workspace item
    Using Rational ClearQuest ALM
        Rational ClearQuest ALM record types
        Roles in an ALM process
          Approved actions
          User roles
            Dev Lead
            Release engineer
        Why use an ALM schema?
          ALM in a Rational ClearQuest MultiSite environment
      Getting started for administrators
        Configuring and using ALM
          Setting up
            Applying packages to existing schema
            Creating user accounts
            Creating user groups and project security
      Working with projects
        Project security
        Project settings
          Project planning
          Record settings
        Prerequisites to creating an ALMProject
        Creating a project
          Creating security policy
          Creating category type labels
          Creating category
          Creating release labels
          Creating the project
          Creating role labels
          Creating roles
          Creating phase labels
          Creating phase
          Creating iteration labels
          Creating iteration
          Modifying the category to specify current project
          Modifying phase to specify current iteration
        Project process
          Creating ALMType labels
          Creating an ALMType
          Work Configuration
          Creating resolution codes
        Copying an existing project
          Copying a project
        Using the Project Wizard
      Managing work
        Overview of ALM work process
        Working with roles and process
          Submitting requests
          Triaging requests
          Marking a request as a duplicate
          Marking a request as duplicate completed
          Submitting tasks
          Activating tasks
          Assigning documentation and testing activities
          Submitting activities
          Querying for work assigned to you
          Commenting on a request, task, or activity
          Responding to comments
          Completing a development or documentation activity
      Tracking work and builds
        Building and maintaining baselines
          Creating baselines
          Creating a build record
        ALM with UCM

            Composite baselines

        Using ALM without UCM
          Completing the test activity
          Completing the task
        Accepting or rejecting a request
      Sample data
      Mandatory fields for ALM record types
    Configuring and using Collaborative Lifecycle Management integrations
      Configure Rational ClearQuest Web for Collaborative Lifecycle Management integrations
        Applying the Rational ClearQuest OSLCLinks package
          Schema changes after applying the OSLCLinks package
          Procedure for applying the OSLCLinks package
          Configuring the OSLCLinks package for security context
        Configuring Rational ClearQuest Web server for Collaborative Lifecycle Management integrations
          Overview of OAuth access
          Configuring Rational ClearQuest Web server for cross-server communication
          Configuring project relationships
            Link types
          Configuring the target server for cross-server communication
          Approving an OAuth consumer key
          Registering an OAuth consumer key
          Remapping URIs after renaming a CLM server
      Use Rational ClearQuest integrations for Collaborative Lifeycycle Management
        Associating records and Rational Team Concert work items
          Link types
        Associating records and CLM integration artifacts
        Removing associations between records and CLM integration artifacts
        Working with records in the Rational Team Concert web client
      Rational ClearQuestand Rational DOORS
    Integrating with other products
      About integration packages, configuration, and testing
        Dependent integrations
        Ensuring code page compatibility for ClearQuest integrations
        Enabling record types for integrations
        Testing integrations
        Rational ClearQuest integration packages
          Adding a Rational Administrator integration
          Adding a ClearCase UCM integration
          Applying package upgrades
  Extending product function
    Programming with the Rational ClearQuest OSLC CM REST API
      Using the Rational ClearQuest OSLC CM REST API
      Resource Shapes
      Query Capabilities
      User Interface preview
    Programming with Rational ClearQuest CM API
      Rational ClearQuest CM API introduction
        Rational ClearQuest CM API clients
        Rational ClearQuest CM API subproviders
        Installation and setup requirements
      Rational ClearQuest CM API object model overview
        Resources and proxies
          Naming conventions
            Naming convention for get and set property value methods
          Getting a provider
            Creating a Callback
          Getting resource proxies
        Location objects
          Location syntax
            Stable locations
            File name location specifications
        Properties and meta-properties
          Additional resource properties
          Additional information about properties
          Setting up a property request
          Reading properties
          Writing properties
          Nested properties
          Feedback objects
        Change contexts and context resources
          Using change context resources
            Creating a new context resource
            Additional information about change contexts
      Class overviews
      Configuring Rational ClearQuest CM API logging
    Rational ClearQuest Client user tutorial
      Connect to a Rational ClearQuest database
      Overview of change requests
        Submit a defect
        Modify a defect
        Transition a defect to another state
        Use a template to submit defects
        Attach a file to a defect
      Overview of queries
        Create a query
        Run a query
        Set a query to run at startup
        Edit a query
        Import and export a query
        Print the results of a query
    Schema developer tutorial overview
      Setting up
        Create a schema repository
        Logging in to Designer
        Create a schema
        Create a user database
        Create a test user database
      Overview of record types
        Specify the default record type
      Overview of forms and fields
        Modify a form
        Add tabs to a form
        Add fields
        Define field behavior
        Modify fields
        Add fields and controls to a form
        Move and align controls, and change tab order
        Advanced topic: reusing forms
        Advanced topic: Using fields to link records
          Sharing common data
          Creating a parent/child hierarchy
      Overview of state transition model
        View the state transition matrix for a record type
        Add a state
        Create an action
        Create a state transition
      Overview of packages
        Apply the Attachments package
        Apply the Notes package
        Identify which packages have been applied
      Overview of hooks
        Add a choice list hook
        Add a field hook
        Add an action hook
      Testing the schema and upgrading the user database
        Testing your changes
        Upgrading the user database
    User tutorial for the Windows client
      Log in to the Rational ClearQuest client
      Overview of change requests
        Submit a change request
        Modify a change request
        Transition a change request to another state
        Use a template to submit change requests
        Attach a file to a change request
      Overview of queries
        Create a query by using the Query wizard
        Create a query by using the Query editor and Display editor
        Run a query
        Set a query to run at startup
        Edit a query
        Import and export a query
        Print the results of a query
        Search for a specific change request
      Overview of charts
        Create a distribution chart
        Run a chart
        Edit a chart
        Drill down into a chart
        Print a chart
        Export a chart as a graphics file
      Customizing your work environment
        Change your display settings
        Enable your client to receive E-mail notifications
        Add favorites to the Query menu
    Rational ClearQuest CM API tutorial
      CM API setting up and installation
        Interfaces to import
        Module summary
      Using Rational ClearQuest CM API to access a product repository
        Getting a Provider
        List available user databases
        Module summary
      Running queries
        Running a query and displaying the result set
        Module summary
      Viewing a record
        Viewing a record
        Module summary
      Modifying a record
        Add or remove attachments
        Module summary
      Creating a record
        Creating a record
        Module summary
    ClearQuest API tutorial
      Introduction to the Rational ClearQuest API
      Requirements for using the Rational ClearQuest API
        Using Perl
        Perl error handling
        Session and Entity objects
        Module summary
      Using the API to access a user database
        Getting a Session object
        Getting accessible databases
        Logging on to a user database
        Module summary
      Working with queries
        Building a query
        Result sets
        Defining your search criteria
        Sorting a result set
        Module summary
      Working with records
        Retrieving a record
        Modifying a record
        Saving your changes
        Creating a new record
        Module summary
    API Reference
      Using the Rational ClearQuest API
        Understanding the Rational ClearQuest API
          Using Perl
            Using Perl modules
            Using Perl for external applications
            Notation conventions for Perl
            Perl error handling
            Name lookup in Perl hooks
          Using VBScript
            Notation Conventions for VBScript
            VBScript error handling
        Error checking and validation
        Debugging your code
        Client version checking
        Setting the return string mode for hooks and scripts
      Overview of the API objects
        Understanding Session objects
        User database objects
          Information objects
          Attachments and Histories
            Attachment objects
            History objects
          Workspace security objects
          Additional objects.
        Understanding AdminSession objects
        Schema repository objects
          Schema repository collection objects
      Working with sessions
        Getting a Session object
        Logging on to a database
        Using Session variables
        Using hooks to detect a Web session
        Actions and access control
          Primary actions
          Base actions
          Nested actions
            Hooks in nested actions
        Ending a session
        Working with multiple sessions
      Working with queries
        Creating queries
        Defining your search criteria
          Using query filters
        Running queries
        Working with a result set
          Creating a result set
          Running the query
          Navigating through the result set
          Retrieving values from fields
      Working with records
        Getting Entity objects
          Entities and hooks
          Default entity
        Creating a new record
        Editing an existing record
        Saving your changes
        Reverting your changes
        Viewing the contents of a record
          Ensuring that record data is current
      Accessing the schema repository
        Logging on to the schema repository
        Getting schema repository objects
        Updating user database information
      Performing user administration
        Rational ClearQuest API support for LDAP authentication
          Authentication overview
          Retrieving user login information
        Schema Repository AuthenticationAlgorithm
        Creating a new user with LDAP authentication
        User AuthenticationMode
        Impact on Existing APIs
      Upgrading user information from a schema repository to a user database
      Common API calls to get user information
      Performance considerations for using hooks
      AdminSession object
        Working with databases
        AdminSession object properties
        AdminSession object methods
      Attachment Object
        Attachment object properties
        Attachment object methods
      AttachmentField object
        AttachmentField object properties
        AttachmentField object methods
      AttachmentFields object
        AttachmentFields object properties
        AttachmentFields object methods
      Attachments object
        Attachments object properties
        Attachments object methods
      ChartMgr Object
        ChartMgr object properties
        ChartMgr object methods
      ClearQuest Object
        Rational ClearQuest object methods
      Database Object
        Database object properties
        Database object methods
      DatabaseDesc Object
      DatabaseDescs Object
        DatabaseDescs object methods
      Databases Object
        Databases object properties
        Databases object methods
      Entity Object
        Accessing the fields of a record
        Committing entity objects to the database
        Working with duplicates
        Finding duplicate records and the original record
        Finding duplicate objects and the original object
        Task-oriented entity methods
        Entity object properties
        Entity object methods
      EntityDef Object
        EntityDef object methods
      EntityDefs Object
        EntityDefs object properties
        EntityDefs object methods
      EventObject Object
        Understanding record scripts
        Form control events
        EventObject object properties
      FieldFilter Object
        FieldFilter Object methods
      FieldInfo Object
        FieldInfo object methods
      FieldInfos Object
        FieldInfos object methods
      FilterNode Object
        FilterNode object methods
      Folder Object
        Folder object methods
      Folders Object
        Folders object properties
        Folders object methods
      Group Object
        Group object properties
        Group object methods
      Groups Object
        Groups object properties
        Groups object methods
      Histories Object
        Histories object properties
        Histories object methods
      History Object
        History object properties
        History object methods
      HistoryField Object
        HistoryField object properties
        HistoryField object methods
      HistoryFields Object
        HistoryFields object properties
        HistoryFields object methods
      HookChoices Object
        HookChoices object methods
      Link Object
        Link object methods
      Links Object
        Links object methods
      MailMsg Object
        MailMsg object methods
      PackageRev Object
        PackageRev object properties
        PackageRev object methods
      PackageRevs Object
        PackageRevs object properties
        PackageRevs Object Methods
      Permission Object
        Permission object methods
      Permissions Object
        Permissions object properties
        Permissions object methods
      ProductInfo Object
        ProductInfo object methods
      QueryDef Object
        QueryDef object properties
        QueryDef object methods
      QueryFieldDef Object
        QueryFieldDef object properties
        QueryFieldDef object methods
      QueryFieldDefs Object
        QueryFieldDefs object properties
        QueryFieldDefs object methods
      QueryFilterNode Object
        QueryFilterNode object methods
      ReportMgr Object
        ReportMgr object methods
      ResultSet Object
        ResultSet object properties
        ResultSet object methods
      Schema Object
        Schema object properties
        Schema object methods
      SchemaRev Object
        SchemaRev object properties
        SchemaRev object methods
      SchemaRevs Object
        SchemaRevs object properties
        SchemaRevs object methods
      Schemas Object
        Schemas object properties
        Schemas object methods
      Session Object
        Task-oriented Session methods
        Session object properties
        Session object methods
      User Object
        User object properties
        User object methods
      Users Object
        Users object properties
        Users object methods
      Workspace Object
        Pathnames in the workspace
        Workspace object methods
      Examples of Hooks and Scripts
        Conceptual examples
          Opening a prepopulated form
            Opening a prepopulated form with the GSU_CQXE_SubmitRecord API
          Opening a URL
          Generating a custom message
          Getting and setting attachment information
          Building queries for defects and users
          Updating duplicate records to match the parent record
          Managing records (entities) that are stateless and stateful
          Extracting data about an EntityDef (record type)
          Extracting data about a field in a record
          Using field path names to retrieve field values
          Showing changes to a FieldInfo (field) object
          Showing changes to an Entity (record) object
          Running a query and reporting on its result set
          Running a query that has dynamic filters
          Getting a list of defects and modifying a record
          Sorting a result set
          Getting session and database information
          Running a query against more than one record type
          Creating a dependent choice list
          Triggering a task with the destination state
          Adding and removing users in a group
          Upgrading user information
          Workspace security example
          Controlling multirecord update edit operations
          Detecting when a record is in multirecord update mode
        Field hook examples
          Field choice list hook example
          Hook for creating a dependent list
          Field choice list hook to display user information
          InvalidateFieldChoiceList example
          Field default value hook examples
          Field permission hook example
          Field validation hook example
          Field value changed hook example
        Action hook examples
          Action initialization hook example
          Action initialization hook for a field value
          Action hook that sets the value of a parent record
          Action access control hook example
          Action commit hook example
          Action notification hook example
          Action validation hook example
        Record script example
        Global script example
        Using CAL methods in Rational ClearQuest hook scripts
        Using CtCmd with Rational ClearQuest Perl scripts for Rational ClearCase integrations
          Building CtCmd to work with cqperl on the UNIX system and Linux
          Windows platforms
          Using CtCmd for base Rational ClearCase and Rational ClearQuest
          Using CtCmd for UCM and Rational ClearQuest
        Advanced reporting and automation with cqperl
      Enumerated Constants
        ActionType constants
        AuthenticationAlgorithm constants
        AuthenticationMode constants
        Behavior constants
        BoolOp constants
        ChoiceType constants
        CompOp constants
        CQLDAPMap constants
        CType constants
        DatabaseVendor constants
        DbAggregate constants
        DbFunction constants
        EntityStatus constants
        EntityType constants
        EventType constants
        ExtendedNameOption constants
        FetchStatus constants
        FieldType constants
        FieldValidationStatus constants
        OLEWKSPCERROR constants
        OLEWKSPCREPORTTYPE constants
        PermissionKind constants
        QueryLimitType constants
        QueryType constants
        Return string constants
        SessionType constants
        Sort constants
        UserPrivilegeMaskType constants
        ValueStatus constants
        WorkspaceFolderType constants
        WorkspaceItemType constants
        WorkspaceQueryType constants
    Rational ClearQuest command reference
      bkt_tool delete
      bkt_tool export
      bkt_tool import
      bkt_tool update
      codepageutil analyze_tables
      codepageutil test_codepage
      cqload exportintegration
      cqload exportschema
      cqload importintegration
      cqload importschema
      importutil exportlist
      importutil importlist
      installutil convertschemarepo
      installutil convertuserdb
      installutil copyschemarepo
      installutil copyuserdb
      installutil getauthenticationalgorithm
      installutil getcqldapmap
      installutil getldapinit
      installutil getldapsearch
      installutil getmasterproperty
      installutil getmasterpropertytofile
      installutil getrecordlimits
      installutil lscodepage
      installutil licensecheck
      installutil setauthenticationalgorithm
      installutil setcqldapmap
      installutil setdbcodepage
      installutil sethighrecordlimit
      installutil setldapinit
      installutil setldapsearch
      installutil setmasterproperty
      installutil setmasterpropertyfromfile
      installutil showfeaturelevels
      installutil unlockschemarepo
      installutil unlockuserdb
      installutil validateldap
    Accessibility features for Rational ClearQuest
Configuring help
Configuring help for Eclipse Clients
Configuring help for Rational ClearQuest Web
Developing schemas
  Developing schemas in the original Rational ClearQuest Designer
    Understanding the functions of the Rational ClearQuest schema developer
      Considerations for integrations with Rational ClearQuest
    Rational ClearQuest schemas
      Naming restrictions
      Modifying schemas
      Creating a test database
      Checking out schemas
        Opening schemas for viewing only
      Creating schemas from the Blank schema
      Scripting languages
      Validating schemas
      Setting the test database
      Testing schemas
      Checking in schemas
        Canceling schema checkouts
      Updating properties of user databases
      Applying schema changes to user databases
      Saving schema editing work
      Deleting schemas or schema versions
      Changing a database association to a different schema
        Assigning different schemas to user databases
    Customizing a schema
      Record types
        Adding record types to schemas
        Selecting the unique key for stateless record types
        Setting the default record type
        Record type families
        Adding record type families to schemas
        Adding members to record type families
        Removing members from record type families
        Renaming record types or families
        Deleting record types or families
        Adding fields to record types
      Working with fields
        Displaying the Fields grid
        Considerations for selecting field data types
          Dates and times
        Adding fields to a record type
        Adding help text to fields
        Defining the behavior of fields
        Modifying field properties
        Renaming fields
        Deleting fields
        Linking records to share common data
        Linking records to create parent/child hierarchies
        Defining field hooks
      State models
      State models and the state transition matrix
        Displaying the state model for a record type
        Adding states to state models
        Mapping state types
        Changing state names
        Deleting states
      Considerations in state model design
      Actions and action types
        Displaying the Actions grid
        Adding actions
        Creating state transitions
        Modifying actions
        Defining action hooks
        Defining the default action of states
        Deleting actions
    Schemas and packages
      Rational ClearQuest predefined schemas
      Rational ClearQuest packages
      State model for the Defect record type
      State model for the EnhancementRequest record type
      State-type models for packages
      Supporting a mixed character-set deployment
    Packages and integrations
      Precautions when applying packages
      Packages available
      Examples: The Notes, Attachments, and E-Mail packages
      Checking which packages have been applied to a schema
      Overview of package application process
        Applying packages
        Enabling record types
        Mapping state types
        Assigning default actions for states
      Upgrading packages
        Upgrading schemas to new versions of packages
      The AuditTrail and eSignature packages
        The AuditTrail package
        The eSignature package
          Using eSig_Config records
            The Record Type field
            The States and Sign When fields
            The Sign by Action field
          Signature data
          Signature enforcement and authentication
          Signature validity
          Data display
        Customizing the packages
          Using the extensions
          AuditTrail extensions
            Excluding fields from auditing
            Formatting data
            Disabling audit trails
          eSignature customizations
            Formatting signature data
            Controlling access to eSig_Config records
      Creating forms
        Changing the name of forms
        Changing the size of forms
        Changing fonts and font properties of forms
        Deleting forms
      Form controls
        Opening forms
        Adding form controls using the Control Palette
        Adding controls using the Field List
        Adding controls using the Form Controls menu
        Selecting controls in forms
        Editing the properties of field controls in forms
        Deleting form controls
        Changing the tab order of form controls
      Working with pages on forms
        Adding tabs to forms
        Changing page names
        Restricting access to tabs
        Changing the order of tabs
        Deleting pages
        Copying pages
      Reusing record forms
        Exporting forms
        Importing forms
    Creating a security model
      Hiding records
      Designing a security system
      Security example
      Using other Rational ClearQuest security features
        Adding password protection
    Using hooks to customize your workflow
      Field hooks
        Adding field hooks
        Editing field hooks
        Deleting field hooks
        Creating a dependency between fields
        Creating choice lists for fields
        Creating dynamic choice lists
        Editing dynamic lists
        Specifying default values for fields
        Validating user input in fields
      Action hooks
        Adding action hooks
        Editing action hooks
        Deleting action hooks
      Execution order of field and action hooks
      Record scripts
        Adding record scripts to record types
        Editing record scripts
        Deleting record scripts
      Global scripts
        Creating global scripts
        Editing global scripts
        Deleting global scripts
      Writing external applications
      Using the Rational ClearQuest API
      Common API calls
      Finding text in hook scripts
    Database locking
      Enabling pessimistic record locking
        Enabling pessimistic record locking without initiating an action
        Examples of pessimistic record locking hook code
      Lock maintenance
    Customizing Rational ClearQuest Web
      Testing schema modifications in Rational ClearQuest Web
      Integrations with Rational ClearQuest clients
      Using hooks in Rational ClearQuest Web
        Displaying messages on the Rational ClearQuest Web client
        Enabling dependent fields for Rational ClearQuest Web
        Using hooks to detect a Web session
    Rational ClearQuest e-mail
      Automatic e-mail notification
        Creating e-mail rules
          Specifying rule controls for an e-mail rule
          Specifying action controls for e-mail rules
          Specifying display fields for e-mail rules
          Specifying e-mail addresses for e-mail rules
          Specifying cc addresses for e-mail rules
        Sample e-mail rules
        Finding existing e-mail rules
        Modifying existing e-mail rules
        Administering e-mail addresses
        Hidden users
        Enabling Rational ClearQuest clients to send e-mail
        Enabling e-mail notification for Rational ClearQuest Web
      Round-trip e-mail
      Using action hooks to send e-mail
    Importing and exporting data
      Overview of importing and exporting data
      Starting the import process
      Testing the import process
      Creating an import schema
      Creating a database for imported data
      Creating a Rational ClearQuest import file
        Import file format for record types
        Import file format for history information
        Import file format for attachments
      Exporting data
      Importing data into Rational ClearQuest
        Importing records
        Importing duplicate records
        Recovering from import errors
        Updating existing records
    Form controls
      ActiveX control
      Attachment control
      Check-box control
      Combo-box control
      Drop-down list box control
      Drop-down combo box control
      Duplicate base control
      Duplicate dependents control
      Group box control
      History control
      List box control
      List view control
      Option button control
      Parent/Child control
      Picture control
      Static text box control
      Text-box control
  Developing schemas in the original Rational ClearQuest Designer
    Understanding the functions of the Rational ClearQuest schema developer
      Considerations for integrations with Rational ClearQuest
    Rational ClearQuest schemas
      Naming restrictions
      Modifying schemas
      Creating a test database
      Checking out schemas
        Opening schemas for viewing only
      Creating schemas from the Blank schema
      Scripting languages
      Validating schemas
      Setting the test database
      Testing schemas
      Checking in schemas
        Canceling schema checkouts
      Updating properties of user databases
      Applying schema changes to user databases
      Saving schema editing work
      Deleting schemas or schema versions
      Changing a database association to a different schema
        Assigning different schemas to user databases
    Customizing a schema
      Record types
        Adding record types to schemas
        Selecting the unique key for stateless record types
        Setting the default record type
        Record type families
        Adding record type families to schemas
        Adding members to record type families
        Removing members from record type families
        Renaming record types or families
        Deleting record types or families
        Adding fields to record types
      Working with fields
        Displaying the Fields grid
        Considerations for selecting field data types
          Dates and times
        Adding fields to a record type
        Adding help text to fields
        Defining the behavior of fields
        Modifying field properties
        Renaming fields
        Deleting fields
        Linking records to share common data
        Linking records to create parent/child hierarchies
        Defining field hooks
      State models
      State models and the state transition matrix
        Displaying the state model for a record type
        Adding states to state models
        Mapping state types
        Changing state names
        Deleting states
      Considerations in state model design
      Actions and action types
        Displaying the Actions grid
        Adding actions
        Creating state transitions
        Modifying actions
        Defining action hooks
        Defining the default action of states
        Deleting actions
    Schemas and packages
      Rational ClearQuest predefined schemas
      Rational ClearQuest packages
      State model for the Defect record type
      State model for the EnhancementRequest record type
      State-type models for packages
      Supporting a mixed character-set deployment
    Packages and integrations
      Precautions when applying packages
      Packages available
      Examples: The Notes, Attachments, and E-Mail packages
      Checking which packages have been applied to a schema
      Overview of package application process
        Applying packages
        Enabling record types
        Mapping state types
        Assigning default actions for states
      Upgrading packages
        Upgrading schemas to new versions of packages
      The AuditTrail and eSignature packages
        The AuditTrail package
        The eSignature package
          Using eSig_Config records
            The Record Type field
            The States and Sign When fields
            The Sign by Action field
          Signature data
          Signature enforcement and authentication
          Signature validity
          Data display
        Customizing the packages
          Using the extensions
          AuditTrail extensions
            Excluding fields from auditing
            Formatting data
            Disabling audit trails
          eSignature customizations
            Formatting signature data
            Controlling access to eSig_Config records
      Creating forms
        Changing the name of forms
        Changing the size of forms
        Changing fonts and font properties of forms
        Deleting forms
      Form controls
        Opening forms
        Adding form controls using the Control Palette
        Adding controls using the Field List
        Adding controls using the Form Controls menu
        Selecting controls in forms
        Editing the properties of field controls in forms
        Deleting form controls
        Changing the tab order of form controls
      Working with pages on forms
        Adding tabs to forms
        Changing page names
        Restricting access to tabs
        Changing the order of tabs
        Deleting pages
        Copying pages
      Reusing record forms
        Exporting forms
        Importing forms
    Creating a security model
      Hiding records
      Designing a security system
      Security example
      Using other Rational ClearQuest security features
        Adding password protection
    Using hooks to customize your workflow
      Field hooks
        Adding field hooks
        Editing field hooks
        Deleting field hooks
        Creating a dependency between fields
        Creating choice lists for fields
        Creating dynamic choice lists
        Editing dynamic lists
        Specifying default values for fields
        Validating user input in fields
      Action hooks
        Adding action hooks
        Editing action hooks
        Deleting action hooks
      Execution order of field and action hooks
      Record scripts
        Adding record scripts to record types
        Editing record scripts
        Deleting record scripts
      Global scripts
        Creating global scripts
        Editing global scripts
        Deleting global scripts
      Writing external applications
      Using the Rational ClearQuest API
      Common API calls
      Finding text in hook scripts
    Database locking
      Enabling pessimistic record locking
        Enabling pessimistic record locking without initiating an action
        Examples of pessimistic record locking hook code
      Lock maintenance
    Customizing Rational ClearQuest Web
      Testing schema modifications in Rational ClearQuest Web
      Integrations with Rational ClearQuest clients
      Using hooks in Rational ClearQuest Web
        Displaying messages on the Rational ClearQuest Web client
        Enabling dependent fields for Rational ClearQuest Web
        Using hooks to detect a Web session
    Rational ClearQuest e-mail
      Automatic e-mail notification
        Creating e-mail rules
          Specifying rule controls for an e-mail rule
          Specifying action controls for e-mail rules
          Specifying display fields for e-mail rules
          Specifying e-mail addresses for e-mail rules
          Specifying cc addresses for e-mail rules
        Sample e-mail rules
        Finding existing e-mail rules
        Modifying existing e-mail rules
        Administering e-mail addresses
        Hidden users
        Enabling Rational ClearQuest clients to send e-mail
        Enabling e-mail notification for Rational ClearQuest Web
      Round-trip e-mail
      Using action hooks to send e-mail
    Importing and exporting data
      Overview of importing and exporting data
      Starting the import process
      Testing the import process
      Creating an import schema
      Creating a database for imported data
      Creating a Rational ClearQuest import file
        Import file format for record types
        Import file format for history information
        Import file format for attachments
      Exporting data
      Importing data into Rational ClearQuest
        Importing records
        Importing duplicate records
        Recovering from import errors
        Updating existing records
    Form controls
      ActiveX control
      Attachment control
      Check-box control
      Combo-box control
      Drop-down list box control
      Drop-down combo box control
      Duplicate base control
      Duplicate dependents control
      Group box control
      History control
      List box control
      List view control
      Option button control
      Parent/Child control
      Picture control
      Static text box control
      Text-box control
Help for Windows
Rational ClearQuest Release Notes
  Release Notes
    What's new in Rational ClearQuest
  Release Notes
    What's new in Rational ClearQuest