Use the Perl script from the command line to set a user's authentication mode.
Rational® ClearQuest® provides the following ways to set a user's authentication mode:
  • Use the User Administration GUI.
  • Write a Visual Basic or Perl script that calls the setLDAPAuthentication or setCQAuthentication API.
  • Run the Perl script from the command line.
  • Use the Import Wizard.

For information about using the Rational ClearQuest LDAP APIs, see the API documentation. This section describes the syntax for, which is installed in the Rational ClearQuesthome directory on Windows.

Synopsis: setting the mode to Rational ClearQuest

cqperl [ –help ] | [ –dbset database-set ] [ –cqadminuser cq-admin-user ] [ –cqadminpassword cq-admin-pswd ] [ –mode cq ] [ –cquser cq-user-name ] [ –cqpassword cq-user-password ]

Synopsis: setting the mode to LDAP

cqperl [ –help ] | [ –dbset database-set ] [ –cqadminuser cq-admin-user ] [ –cqadminpassword cq-admin-pswd ] [ –mode ldap ] [ –cquser cq-user-name ] [ –ldapuser ldap-user-name ]

Options and Arguments

Displays a list of the command switches and a brief description of each switch.
–mode { cq | ldap }
Sets the user's authentication mode to Rational ClearQuest or LDAP. The default is LDAP.
–cquser user-name
Required. Identifies the Rational ClearQuest user record to be set to the desired authentication mode. For users authenticated by Rational ClearQuest, this is the name that Rational ClearQuest users enter in the Login window. For users authenticated by LDAP, this is the user record's UserLoginName identifier. Rational ClearQuest stores this name in the user profile field.
–cqpassword cq-user-password
Optional. Identifies the password that the user enters in the Rational Login window. Specify this option only if you set the user's authentication mode to Rational ClearQuest.
–ldapuser ldap-user-name
Optional. Identifies the login user name that Rational ClearQuest uses to authenticate the user against the LDAP directory. If you set the user's authentication mode to LDAP you can specify this option to validate that the LDAP account exists. In addition to validating the LDAP account, Rational ClearQuest copies the mapping attribute value from the user's LDAP account to the user's Rational ClearQuest user record.
–dbset database-set
Optional. The default is the default database set. Identifies the name of the Rational ClearQuest database set that contains the user profile record for the user whose authentication mode you are setting. The script updates all user databases in the database set. If the user belongs to multiple database sets, run the script against each database set.
–cqadminuser cq-admin-user
Required. Identifies the login user name of the Rational ClearQuest administrator who has administration privileges (Super User) for the database set.
–cqadminpassword cq-admin-pswd
Required. Identifies the password that the Rational ClearQuest administrator uses to log in to the Rational ClearQuest database set.