Configuring Microsoft SQL Server
For detailed instructions on completing the tasks in the following workflow, consult your Microsoft SQL Server software documentation.
For additional configuration steps for SQL Server support on Linux for ClearQuest 9.1.x., see the IBM technote
On Linux, SQL Server database connections require that the SQL Server contains TLS 1.2 support. This is the default on the most recent versions of the database (Sql Server 2016+). For prior SQL Server versions consult Microsoft documentation to obtain the latest updates. See
Task | Comments |
Install a supported version of SQL Server | Your SQL Server databases must be in the same network domain as both your Rational ClearQuestt Web server and any Rational ClearQuest clients or tools that must connect to the database. If they are not in the same domain, errors are returned. For more information, see technote |
During the installation process, select either the Dictionary order, case-sensitive or Dictionary order, case-insensitive sort-order option | If you change the sort order after installing SQL Server, you must rebuild the SQL databases and reload the data. Changing the sort order affects the case-sensitivity of Rational ClearQuest queries. If you want queries to not be case sensitive, set the order here. |
Select mixed-mode authentication for Rational ClearQuest to function properly. | Rational ClearQuest requires SQL Server Authentication, which may require configuration to permit "mixed mode" authentication, which includes SQL Server Authentication for Rational ClearQuest Databases. |
Verify that the computer you have installed SQL server on is registered with SQL Server. | If the computer is not registered, it must be before you can begin creating the databases |
Create the database containers | Create a database for the schema repository and a database for each user database. Allocate at least 50 MB for the schema repository and at least 15 MB for every 1,000 records that you expect each user database to store. Note: The default code page for your locale may not be compatible with your Rational
ClearQuest environment. For more information, see
Code pages and national
language support
Create a db_owner login for each Rational ClearQuest database (schema repository and each user database). To do so, select the db_owner and public server roles for each login that you create. | Do not use the SA (system administrator) login. The database must be empty when you upgrade or move it. If you use the SA login, Rational ClearQuest can read the system tables and assumes that the database is not empty and does not let the process continue. |
SQL Server 2012, and later versions, may require the ODBC Driver 11 or 13 for certain advanced features such as TLS 1.2. Rational ClearQuest uses the older "SQL Server" driver by default. You may need to install one of the Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) drivers for SQL Server. Consult Microsoft to determine the appropriate version of the driver to use.
To use one of these drivers, you set the MS_DRIVER connect option using the Rational ClearQuest maintenance tool and designer. For information about how to configure the MS_DRIVER connect option, see the Database properties and connection information for SQL Server topic.