Planning the deployment and installation

Before installing Rational® ClearQuest®, complete planning tasks to determine what ClearQuest components to install, review system requirements, and complete required and optional configuration tasks to prepare your environment for the ClearQuest installation process.

Table 1 provides an overview of installation planning and configuration tasks to complete before installing the Rational ClearQuest software.

For information about printing Information Center topics, see Creating a PDF or printing topics

As part of planning your installation, you may choose to browse the IBM® Rational Support Channel for support.

Table 1. Installation planning tasks
Task Client and/or Server Information Comment
Select your clients


Select Rational ClearQuest clients to deploy  
Decide on the feature level for schemas and user databases


Decide on the feature level for schema repositories and databases

Features in the feature levels

Feature level 7 supports Full-text search, Pessimistic record locking, and FIPS 140-2 compliant data encryption.
Determine the number of schema repositories and user databases



Plan your Rational ClearQuest database set architecture  
If you are using Rational ClearQuest MultiSite to replicate databases to multiple locations, you must implement a MultiSite configuration.


Administering Rational ClearQuest MultiSite A MultiSite configuration includes the Rational Shipping Server and synchronization servers at a master site and at one or more replica sites.
Determine method of authentication.


Manage user accounts and Using LDAP with Rational ClearQuest You can use traditional Rational ClearQuest authentication or use the industry standard Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) to authenticate using an LDAP directory server.
Planning to integrate Rational ClearQuest with other products.


Integrating Rational ClearQuest with other products  
Check that your environment has the supported Vendor databases and platforms.



Hardware, software, and database requirements

Perform any platform configuration requirements depending on the platforms you are deploying to.


Prerequisite tasks by platform  
Determine whether you will enable full-text search


Configuring and maintaining full-text search

Full-text search is a Rational ClearQuest server feature. When full-text search is installed and configured, users can run full-text search operations to find information in the Rational ClearQuest client applications.
Determine your reporting strategy with the Rational ClearQuest reporting capabilities.


Planning and configuring the reporting environment  
Configure your vendor databases


Vendor database configuration  
Configure your license servers


Licensing requirements