Planning the deployment and installation
Before installing Rational®
complete planning tasks to determine what ClearQuest components to install, review system requirements, and complete required and optional
configuration tasks to prepare your environment for the ClearQuest installation process.
Table 1 provides an overview of installation planning and configuration tasks to complete before installing the Rational ClearQuest software.
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As part of planning your installation, you may choose to browse the IBM® Rational Support Channel for support.
Task | Client and/or Server | Information | Comment |
Select your clients | Client |
Select Rational ClearQuest clients to deploy | |
Decide on the feature level for schemas and user databases | Server |
Decide on the feature level for schema repositories and databases | Feature level 7 supports Full-text search, Pessimistic record locking, and FIPS 140-2 compliant data encryption. |
Determine the number of schema repositories and user databases | Client Server |
Plan your Rational ClearQuest database set architecture | |
If you are using Rational ClearQuest MultiSite to replicate databases to multiple locations, you must implement a MultiSite configuration. | Server |
Administering Rational ClearQuest MultiSite | A MultiSite configuration includes the Rational Shipping Server and synchronization servers at a master site and at one or more replica sites. |
Determine method of authentication. | Server |
Manage user accounts and Using LDAP with Rational ClearQuest | You can use traditional Rational ClearQuest authentication or use the industry standard Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) to authenticate using an LDAP directory server. |
Planning to integrate Rational ClearQuest with other products. | Server |
Integrating Rational ClearQuest with other products | |
Check that your environment has the supported Vendor databases and platforms. | Client Server |
Perform any platform configuration requirements depending on the platforms you are deploying to. | Server |
Prerequisite tasks by platform | |
Determine whether you will enable full-text search | Server |
Full-text search is a Rational ClearQuest server feature. When full-text search is installed and configured, users can run full-text search operations to find information in the Rational ClearQuest client applications. | |
Determine your reporting strategy with the Rational ClearQuest reporting capabilities. | Server |
Planning and configuring the reporting environment | |
Configure your vendor databases | Server |
Vendor database configuration | |
Configure your license servers | Server |
Licensing requirements |