Package groups and the shared resource directory

When you install a product package using IBM Installation Manager, you must choose a package group and a shared resource directory.

Package groups

During the installation process, you must specify a package group for the product package. A product package is the Rational® software product that you are installing. A package group represents a directory in which a product package shares resources with other product packages in the same group. When you install the product package using Installation Manager, you can create a package group or install the product packages into an existing package group. Some packages cannot share a package group, in which case the option to use an existing package group is unavailable.

When you install multiple product packages at the same time, you can install the packages into different package groups.

A package group is assigned a name automatically; however, you choose the installation directory for the package group.

After creating the package group by successfully installing a product package, you cannot change the installation directory. The installation directory contains files and resources that are specific to the product package that is installed into that package group. Resources in the product package that other package groups can potentially use are placed in the shared resources directory.

Shared resources directory

The shared resources directory is the directory where installation files are located so that one or more product package groups can use them. The default value for the shared resources directory is:
  • Windows: C:\Program Files\IBM\RationalSDLC
  • Linux and UNIX systems: /opt/ibm/RationalSDLC
Important: You can specify the shared resources directory once: the first time that you install a package. Use your largest disk drive. You cannot change the Shared resources directory location unless you uninstall all packages.

To change the shared resources directory, you must uninstall all installed packages, then reinstall the packages to the new shared resources directory location.