Running the silent install

After you create a response file, you run the silent install.

Before you begin

Check user requirements before installing. Rational® products require administrator access.


  1. Go to the local computer where you want to install the Rational product.
  2. Mount a directory or map a shared drive from the shared network drive to the local computer. The drive letter of the response file must match the mounted directory or shared drive. If it does not, edit the response file to change the drive letter.

    The following example shows a repository location in a response file:

    Windows systems
    		<repository location='g:\installation_files\Rational_Product'/>
  3. On the local computer, navigate to the Installation Manager directory on the shared drive that contains the extracted installation files. On Windows, this location is install_files\InstallationManager. On Linux or UNIX systems, the location is /install_files/InstallationManager. For example:
    Windows systems
    where g:\ points to the shared drive from the network shared drive.
  4. Run the silent install command to install the Rational product. You must have administrator privileges. Use the response file you recorded as the value for the -input option.

    For Windows, this command is of the form installc.exe --launcher.ini silent-install.ini -input<responseFile>. For Linux or UNIX systems, this command is of the form install --launcher.ini silent-install.ini -input <responseFile>

    Note: On Windows, use installc.exe, not install.exe, for silent installs. Use install.exe only for installations that are not silent or when recording a response file.

    Here are some examples:

    Windows systems
    --launcher.ini silent-install.ini -input g:\installation_files\response_files\install_clearcase.xml