Upgrading the Rational License Key Server

If you are upgrading from Rational® ClearQuest® version 7.0.x or 7.1.1 to version 8.0.x, you must upgrade the license server.

About this task

If you are upgrading from version 7.0.x or 7.1.1 to version 8.0, you must upgrade your license server to Rational Common License version 8.1.3. If the license server is not upgraded, then Rational ClearQuest 8.0 users cannot contact the license server.
Because Rational Common Licensing version 8.1.3 is compatible with earlier Rational ClearQuest versions, you can use Rational Common Licensing version 8.1.3 with Rational ClearQuest version 7.1.1 and earlier.
You cannot install Rational License Key Server version 8.1.3 on the same server that has Rational License Key Server 7.1.x or earlier installed.


  1. Download the Rational License Key Server version 8.1.3.
  2. Back-up your existing license files.
  3. Shut down all IBM® products using the IBM Rational Licensing server.
  4. Shut down the Rational Licensing server.
  5. Uninstall the Rational License server.
  6. Update the license files using one of the following methods:
    1. Run the License Migration Utility: License Migration Utility.
    2. On Windows, use the import option in License Key Administrator (LKAD) to migrate the license files. See Importing permanent authorized user keys.
    3. Return license files and request new license files from IBM Rational: Returning or moving license keys .
    Note: Existing license key files continue to work for Rational ClearQuest version 7.1.1 and earlier.
  7. Install the Rational License Key Server.
  8. Start the Rational License Key Server.