Configuring a web plug-in for IBM HTTP Server

After installing IBM® WebSphere® components, use the WebSphere Customization Toolbox to configure a web server plug-in. Configuring the web server plug-in enables HTTP request routing for web servers managed by IBM WebSphere Application Server.

Before you begin

Before configuring a web server plug-in, the following software must be installed.
  • IBM WebSphere Application Server
  • IBM HTTP Server
  • WebSphere Customization Toolbox
  • Web Server Plug-ins for IBM WebSphere
For more information, search for web server plug-ins in the WebSphere Application Server documentation, V8.5.

About this task

Configuring a web server plug-in before installing or Rational® ClearQuest® web servers, enables automatic configuration of IBM HTTP Server during the web server installation process. After the web server is installed, users can access the servers by using the following URLs.
  • CCRC WAN server: http://server/ccrc
  • Rational ClearQuest Web Server:http://server/cqweb
Complete this task before you install the web server components. During the configuration process, you must provide the IP address or host name of the WebSphere Application Server host. On Windows, you must run the WebSphere Customization Toolbox as a built-in Administrator or as a local user in the Administrator group. For details, see APAR PM46369.
Note: When Rational ClearCase® with Rational ClearCase Remote ClientServer is upgraded to a new fix pack, the file "plugin-cfg.xml" is preserved during the upgrade process and any custom configurations are not lost.


  1. Open the WebSphere Customization Toolbox (WCT).
    • Windows Click Start > All Programs > IBM WebSphere > WebSphere Customization Toolbox V8.5 > Tools > WebSphere Plug-ins Configuration Tool
    • UNIX Linux Run the script at /opt/IBM/WebSphere/Toolbox/WCT/
  2. If the location of a previously installed web server plug-in that you want to use is not in the list or the list is blank, add a plugin location.
    1. Click Add.
    2. Enter a name for the WebSphere Application Server plug-in location, WASPlugin for example. Then, click Browse to select the directory where the plug-in is located.
      • Windows WASplugin, C:\ProgramFiles\IBM\WebSphere\Plugins.
      • UNIX Linux WASplugin, /opt/ibm/WebSphere/Plugins
  3. Create the web server plug-in configuration file.
    1. In the second list box on the Web Server Plug-in Configurations tab, click Create.
    2. On the Web Server Selection panel, click IBM HTTP Server. Then, click Next. If prompted, select the architecture of your installed target web server (64 bit or 32 bit).
    3. On the Web Server Configuration File Selection panel, select the existing IBM HTTP Server httpd.conf file.

      To learn how to set X-Content-Type-Options HTTP header for Rational ClearQuest, see technote 3518811.

      • Windows C:\IBM\HTTPServer\conf\httpd.conf.
      • UNIX Linux/opt/ibm/HTTPServer/conf/httpd.conf
    4. Verify that the web server port is correct. You must use Port 80 to enable the automatic configuration of Rational web servers during the product installation process.
    5. Click Next.
  4. On the Setup IBM HTTP Server Administration Server, remove the selection from the Setup IBM HTTP Server Administration Server check box. Then, click Next.
  5. On the Web Server Definition Name panel, specify a unique name for the web server definition. Click Next.
  6. On the Configuration Scenario Selection panel, select (Remote) Host name or IP address of application server, then enter the host name or IP address of the current system. Choose the remote scenario so that the Rational product can be configured in a new WebSphere profile that does not exist yet.
  7. Remove the selection from Launch the plug-in configuration roadmap. Then, click Finish.


After you complete the web server plug-in configuration, the IBM HTTP Server is prepared to route HTTP client requests from the IBM HTTP Server to the web applications deployed on the WebSphere Application Server.

What to do next

Install or Rational ClearQuest web server components. After the components are installed, users can access the servers by using the following URLs.
  • CCRC WAN server: http://server/ccrc
  • Rational ClearQuest Web Server:http://server/cqweb