Applying fix packs to WebSphere Application Server, IBM HTTP Server, and Web server plug-ins

Download and install recommended fix packs following the IBM® update strategy for WebSphere® Application Server.

Before you begin

Review the IBM Rational® product prerequisite information to determine which fix packs are recommended and obtain information about any known issues or restrictions. You can generate a product prerequisite report from the IBM Software Product Compatibility website.

About this task

Learn the process for applying fix packs to IBM WebSphere Application Server, IBM HTTP Server, and Web server plug-ins. Detailed information about recommended fixes, access to fix pack download documents, and links to instructions is available from IBM Software Support for Rational products.
Note: Fix packs for WebSphere Application Server 8.5 and later must be installed with IBM Installation Manager. The V7.0 Update Installer cannot be used with WebSphere Application Server 8.0 and later.


  1. On the IBM Support website, review the IBM technote 715553 for the WebSphere Application Server version that you are using.
  2. On the Recommended fixes page, click the fix pack link that you want to apply.
  3. On the download page, download the fix pack.
  4. Follow the instructions in the update strategy document for the IBM WebSphere Application Server version you are updating:

What to do next

Install Rational web features required for your environment like theRational ClearQuest® Web Server.