Moving or renaming a synchronization server
You can change the synchronization server associated with
a replica when, for example, the machine you are using has a hardware
failure, or you must rename the existing synchronization server. You
must update the properties of the replica associated with that host
so that the store-and-forward facility can determine how to route
updates to the replicas.
About this task
To move the synchronization server:
- Install the Rational® Shipping Server on the new machine.
- Use the chreplica command to associate the new synchronization
server with the replica.
multiutil chreplica -clan telecomm -site bangalore -user kumar -password secret -host server3 bangalore
- If you automated the synchronization process on the old synchronization server, you must set up synchronization export and import scripts on the new server.
- If you use routing hops, update the host name in the shipping.conf file (Linux and the UNIX system) or MultiSite Control Panel ( Windows).
- Export update packets to all sibling replicas.