Rational ClearQuest packages
This section describes the latest version of each Rational® ClearQuest® package. Earlier package versions might create different record types and fields. Some packages consist entirely of functions that cannot be changed.
Package | Description | Added or modified | Fields |
AuditTrail | Supports auditing of changes to Rational ClearQuest records. See The AuditTrail package | ||
Attachments (read-only) | Supports adding and removing attachments related to a record. | Adds an Attachments tab to the enabled record type. | Fields added to enabled record type:
CharacterSetValidation | Version 1.0 of the package avoids data corruption by preventing Rational
ClearQuest clients
from versions earlier than 2002.05.01 Patch 02 from submitting non-ASCII
data to schema repositories. The package is used when the Rational
ClearQuest data
code page for a schema repository is set to ASCII. If a user performs
an action that attempts to send non-ASCII data to the user database,
a code page mismatch error is generated. Version 2.0 of the package disables version 1.0, if it is no longer needed. Rational ClearQuest version 2002.05.01 Patch 02 added features to enforce code page checking. If you applied version 1.0, and subsequently upgraded all Rational ClearQuest clients to version 2002.05.01 Patch 02 and later, you must apply version 2.0 to disable version 1.0. |
Version 1.0 adds two Perl hooks for all record types that have
Version 2.0 disables version 1.0. |
Customer | Supports the integration of customer data with your defect and change tracking system. | Adds a Customer stateless record type. Also adds reference fields for customer information to the record type that you select. | Fields included in the Customer record type:
Email (read-only) | Supports automatic e-mail notification when records are modified. | Creates an Email_Rule stateless record type. Adds a base action to the enabled record type called Send_Email_Notif. This base action runs the e-mail rule whenever any action is invoked. | Fields included in Email_rule record type:
Enhancement Request | Supports an additional record type for product enhancement requests. | Adds the Enhancement Request record type. | Fields included in EnhancementRequest record type:
eSignature | Enables the electronic signing of records by the users who changed them. See The eSignature package | ||
History (read-only) | Preserves a historical account of all actions taken on a record. | Adds a History tab to the enabled record type. | No fields added. |
Notes® | Preserves a historical account of all notes that were entered on a record by date and user. | Adds a Notes tab to the enabled record type. Also adds a base action called Init_Note_Entry in the enabled record type, which deletes the Note_Entry value. | Fields added to enabled record type:
Repository (read-only) | Provides support required for Rational Administrator, and Rational TeamTest. | Creates an RAProject stateless record type. | Fields included in RAProject record type:
Resolution | Adds support for tracking how a record was resolved. Requires
you to map schema states to the following state types:
Adds a Resolution tab to the enabled record type. | Fields added to enabled record type: