State type models for packages

This topic explains the concept of Rational® ClearQuest® state type models.

A state type is a label that defines the role of each state in the state model. Some Rational ClearQuest schemas have packages that require that each state in the state model be assigned or mapped to a specific state type. For example, the UnifiedChangeManagement schema and package use state types to invoke specific Rational ClearCase® actions. The Resolution package uses state types to invoke certain hooks when a record moves to a state mapped to the Resolved state type.

When you add a new state to a schema that uses state types, you must map the new state to a state type. See Mapping state types.

For more information, see Adding Rational ClearQuest integrations.

State type model for Resolution package

The following table and diagram show the state types and an example of a valid state mapping for the Resolution package.

State type
The record is not resolved.
The record is resolved.
Figure 1. State type model for Resolution packageThe image illustrates the states, state types, and actions for record types in the Resolution package.

State type model for UnifiedChangeManagement package

The following table and diagram show the state types and a valid state mapping for the UCM package. The default actions of the states must provide a complete transition through the state type model.

State type Description Mapped state in UCM schema
Waiting Record not yet assigned, evaluated, or scheduled. Submitted Postponed
Ready Record was assigned. It appears in the To Do List query of the assigned user and is ready to be worked on. The ucm_project field might or might not be set. Assigned
Active User has started working on the record, which is now associated with a Rational ClearCase project and can contain Rational ClearCase element information. Opened

The record is in one of two states:

  • Worked on and completed, which is associated with a Rational ClearCase project and can contain Rational ClearCase element information, or not worked on and abandoned.
  • Postponed or closed, which might or might not be associated with a Rational ClearCase project.
Resolved Closed Duplicate
Figure 2. State type model for Enhancement record typeThe image illustrates the states, state types, and actions for the Enhancement record type.