Configuring the length of multiline text

Rational® ClearQuest® can fail to send mail if the configuration of multiline text is inappropriate for the length of such data.

About this task

You can increase the maximum length of multiline text and limit the size of Notes Log text to ensure that mail is reliably sent.


  1. To increase the length of multiline text, open the file C:\Program Files(x86)\IBM\RationalSDLC\ClearQuest\cqweb\cqwebprofile\installedApps\dfltCell\TeamEAR.ear\cqweb.war\WEB-INF\classes\ and change the value of from 2000 (the default) to a length that is compatible with the size of your multiline field data.
  2. The EmailPlus meta-tag, #?Notes_Log?# , allows the entire contents of the log to be included in email by default. To limit how much of the log is included, use the EmailPlus EXPRESSION keyword. For example, #@EXPRESSION::substr(#?Notes_Log?#, 1, 50)@# indicates that only the first 50 characters of the notes log are to be included.