Configuring the length of multiline text
ClearQuest® can fail to send mail
if the configuration of multiline text is inappropriate for the length of such data.
About this task
- To increase the length of multiline text, open the file C:\Program Files(x86)\IBM\RationalSDLC\ClearQuest\cqweb\cqwebprofile\installedApps\dfltCell\TeamEAR.ear\cqweb.war\WEB-INF\classes\ and change the value of from 2000 (the default) to a length that is compatible with the size of your multiline field data.
- The EmailPlus meta-tag, #?Notes_Log?# , allows the entire contents of the log to be included in email by default. To limit how much of the log is included, use the EmailPlus EXPRESSION keyword. For example, #@EXPRESSION::substr(#?Notes_Log?#, 1, 50)@# indicates that only the first 50 characters of the notes log are to be included.