Naming convention for get and set property value methods
For each resource type, the Rational®
ClearQuest® CM
API provides specific methods to get and possibly set the values of
properties defined by the interface.
For example, the ClearQuest CqRecord interface defines the PropertyNames HAS_DUPLICATES, FIELDS_UPDATED_THIS_SET_VALUE, and ALL_FIELD_VALUES. Corresponding to these, it defines the methods getHasDuplicates, getFieldsUpdatedThisSetValue, and getAllFieldValues.
The API uses the following naming convention for PropertyNames fields
and the corresponding get and set methods
for the property value. For a given PropertyName XXXXX_YYY_ZZZZZ (for
example, DISPLAY_NAME):
- The get method for the property is getXxxxxYyyZzzzz (for example, getDisplayName or getComment).
- The set method for the property is setXxxxxYyyZzzzz (for example, setDisplayName or setComment).
String DisplayName = my_resource.getDisplayName();
String DisplayFields = my_resource.getComment();
If a set method is not defined, the property cannot be set directly with the Rational ClearQuest CM API.
You can also get and set property values with the getProperty and setProperty methods.
- getXxxxxYyyZzzzz() is equivalent to getProperty(XXXXX_YYY_ZZZZZ). For example, getDisplayName is equivalent to getProperty(DISPLAY_NAME).
- setXxxxxYyyZzzzz(val) is equivalent to setProperty(XXXXX_YYY_ZZZZZ, val). For example, setDisplayName(val) is equivalent to setProperty(DISPLAY_NAME, val)
See Additional information about properties for more information.