Connect to a Rational ClearQuest database

Follow the steps provided to learn how to connect to a sample user database.

This module shows you how to connect to a Rational® ClearQuest® database. Rational ClearQuest provides a sample user database that you can use to learn about the product. This tutorial assumes that you are using the sample user database.

To connect to Rational ClearQuest:

  1. Click Start > Programs>IBM RationalRational ClearQuestRational ClearQuest.
  2. Select File > Database > Connect > New Connection....
  3. In the Schema Repository: window, select the schema repository specified by your administrator and click Next.
  4. Enter your user ID in the User ID field and click Next.
  5. In the Connect window, enter your password in the Password fields. Select SAMPL in the Database field. If the SAMPL user database is not listed, contact your administrator.
  6. Click OK.