Report Options page

Use the Report Options page of the Site Configuration window to configure reporting options for Rational® ClearQuest® Web.

Table 1 describes the controls on the Report Options page.

Table 1. Controls on the Report Options page
Control Description Default value
Maximum Records to Display Limits the number of records that appear in a report. For example, if a query returns 8000 records and the Maximum Records to Display value is 200, then only 200 records display in the report. 5000
Maximum String Length Limits the number of characters for text fields that are included in a report. 200
Report Server The web address of a server that you use to share Rational ClearQuest data-pull reports. This can be a Report Launcher for Rational ClearQuest server, a Rational Insight server, or another report server. Here is an example of the web-address structure for a Report Launcher for Rational ClearQuest server: none