Before installing license keys using LKAD
Basic tasks for licensing your Rational products.
Table 1 directs you to procedures for entering, importing, and requesting licenses for your Rational products.
Table 2 provides links to advanced user tasks
that you might have to perform. For example, you might have to change clients or you want your
client to request a point product license before a Rational Lifecycle Package license.
Task | Scenario | Procedure |
Get your permanent (or Fixed Term License) license key. Fixed Term License means that the license key has an expiration date built into it. |
You have purchased an authorized user, floating, or named-user floating licenses. | Use your Proof of Entitlement certificate to request permanent license keys from
Rational® License Key Center. The Rational License Key Center is the Rational Web-based license key management tool. See Using the IBM Rational License Key Center to obtain license keys for more information about the Rational License Key Center. |
Get your evaluation license key. | You want to evaluate a Rational product. | Your IBM marketing
representative sends you or your license administrator an evaluation license key. You either install an authorized user key on your client or point your client to a Rational License Key Server that your license administrator has set up for you. |
Install authorized user license keys on your client. | You received an authorized user license key. | Use License Key Administrator (LKAD) wizard to install your authorized user
license keys. The LKAD wizard starts at the end of product installation. If it does not start, open
LKAD from the Start menu under the Rationalfolder. See Installing authorized user license keys using LKAD for more information. |
Configure your client to request floating licenses from the license server. | Your license administrator has set up a Rational License Key Server to serve floating license keys to clients. | Get the name of the license server from your administrator. Then use License Key Administrator (LKAD) wizard to specify the license server. The LKAD wizard starts at the end of the product installation. If it does not, open LKAD from the Start menu under the Rational folder. |
Task | Procedure |
Change the order in which Rational products use licenses. | Changing your license usage order on Windows systems. |
Move or return license keys. | Returning or moving license keys. |
Use license keys for home or travel. | Using license keys for home use or travel. |
Configure the UNIX system clients. | See the Rational product or the UNIX system installation guide. |