Configuring clients to use redundant license servers using LKAD

Steps to set up redundant license servers on a client using License Key Administrator (LKAD).

About this task

Redundant servers are a system of three servers that work as a team to manage a single pool of floating license keys. If one of the servers goes down, the other two license servers automatically continue managing the license pool.

To enter the redundant license servers on a client:
  1. Click Start > Programs > IBM® Rational® > Rational License Key Administrator.
  2. Select Settings > Client/Server Configuration.
  3. Click Add Server.
  4. Click Single next to Server Type; then click Redundant in the pop-up menu.
  5. Enter the Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary license server host names in the order in which the license administrator requested them in License Key Center. Press Tab to move to the next line.
  6. Click OK.

When one of the redundant license servers is not accessible, you might need to increase the server wait time for a client. The amount to increase the server wait time is dependent on your environment. For information about setting the server wait time, see Changing the disconnect time-out to delay disconnected use.