Configuring clients to use single or multiple license servers using LKAD

Use the following procedure to specify one or multiple license servers on your client.

About this task

Your client applications request licenses from servers in the order that you enter the servers in License Key Administrator (LKAD). To change this order, see Changing the license server search order in LKAD.

Attention: Do not use the following procedure to enter redundant servers.
To enter the license server host names on a client:
  1. Click Start > Programs > IBM Rational > Rational License Key Administrator.
  2. Select Settings > Client/Server Configuration.
  3. Click Add Server.
  4. Single is the default value next to Server Type. Enter the host name of the license server in the Values column next to Server Name by clicking New-Server. Press Enter after entering the host name.
  5. (Optional) If your system administrator has provided you the host names of additional license servers, click Add Server and enter the host name for each server.
  6. Click OK after you have entered all servers.