Installing WebSphere Application Server web components

Before you can install or upgrade another Rational® ClearQuest® Web server, you must install or upgrade the IBM® WebSphere Application Server environment where you plan to deploy the web server components.

About this task

Before you install or upgrade Rational web components, you might need to upgrade the existing WebSphere Application Server installation or install a new instance. You can use WebSphere Application Server V8.5.x.

Install a new instance of WebSphere Application Server in any of the following cases:
  • You are installing IBM web components such as or Rational ClearQuest web server for the first time, and the environment does not have a supported version of WebSphere Application Server installed.
If you are upgrading to Rational ClearQuest V8.0.1 or later from a V8.0.0.x installation that is deployed to WebSphere Application Server V8.0.0.x, you can either upgrade the existing WebSphere Application Server to version 8.5.x and above or continue with WebSphere Application Server V8.0.0.x. This step is optional if you continue using WebSphere Application Server V8.0.0.x.

IBM WebSphere Application Server and IBM HTTP Server are installed by using IBM Installation Manager.

Note: WebSphere Application Server 8 is not compatible with Rational ClearCase® or Rational ClearQuest version 8.0 or earlier.

You can obtain WebSphere Application Server and HTTP Server from Passport Advantage®. Fix packs are available from Support Fix Central.


Before you begin an installation of WebSphere Application Server, review the following information.

  • Prepare the operating system for product installation in the WebSphere Application Server documentation (V8.5.x).
  • On Linux and UNIX systems, do not use symbolic links as the destination directory. Symbolic links are not supported.
  • Do not use a semicolon in the directory name. WebSphere Application Server cannot install properly if the target directory includes a semicolon. A semicolon is a character that is used to construct the class path on Windows systems.
  • The maximum path length for the installation location on the Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, and Windows 7 operating systems is 60 characters.
  • Deleting the default target location and leaving an installation-directory field empty prevents you from continuing.

For information on installing WebSphere Application Server version 8.5.x, see technote 489867.


The WebSphere® Customization Toolbox opens.

What to do next

The post-installation steps to complete the plug-in configuration include:
  • Optional: Configure a Web plug-in:

    If you have not already run the Web Server Plug-ins Configuration Tool to configure the web server to communicate with the application server, see Configuring a web plug-in for IBM HTTP Server. On Windows, this tool requires user credentials for a built-in Administrator or a local user in the Administrator group.

  • Optional: Create a WebSphere Application Server application profile

    When you install or Rational ClearQuest web components to a WebSphere Application Server application profile, you can choose the Profile Deployment Type: new profile, or existing profile. To determine which type of profile to use, see WebSphere Application Server profiles for web feature deployment.

For more information about the WebSphere Application Server, see the following references: