Add tabs to a form
Tabs help you to organize fields and controls in your form to make it easier for users to work in the form. Typically, you use tabs to group related sets of fields and controls. For example, the Customer tab contains fields and controls that record information about the customer who reported the defect. The History tab includes fields that record the history of the defect, beginning with the submission of the defect and including all modifications to the defect.
In this exercise, you add a tab to the Defect record form to record the impact that the defects have on the product documentation. For example, resolving a defect might require making a change to the product's user's guide or Help.
Before you can make changes to the schema, you must check out the schema. If the schema is not open:
- In the Designer, click . The Open Schema window opens.
- Select Checkout a schema to edit or continue editing previously saved work. Select my_sample_schema from the table of schemas. If the schema is checked out, and you are continuing work from a previous editing session, click Finish. If the schema is not checked out, click Next and then Finish.
To add the Documentation tab to the Defect record form:
- In the Designer workspace, expand the Record Types folder, the Defect folder, and the Forms folder.
- Double-click the Defect_Base form to open it.
- Click Dialog Tab appears in the form. . A tab named
- Click the Dialog Tab tab. Right-click the tab and select Tab Properties. The Tab Properties window opens.
- Enter Documentation in the Tab Caption field.
- Click OK.
- Close the Defect_Base record form.
- Repeat these steps to add the Documentation tab to the Defect_Base_Submit record form.
In the Add fields and controls to a form exercise you will add fields and controls to the new tab.