Apply the Attachments package
In this exercise, you apply the Attachments package to the my_sample_schema schema. The Attachments package adds a tab to your record forms so that users can include file attachments that are pertinent to the defect. For example, users might attach log files, part of a source code file, or screen capture graphics that show an error message.
To apply the Attachments package:
- Check out the schema. In the Designer workspace, click .
- In the Open Schema window, select the latest version of my_sample_schema from the table of schemas. Make sure that Check out a schema to edit or continue editing previously saved work is selected. Click Next.
- Enter Applying packages in the Comment field. Click Finish.
- Click .
- In the Package wizard, select Attachments in the table of packages. Click Next.
- Select the latest version of my_sample_schema in the table of schemas. Click Next.
- The wizard prompts you to select the record types to which you want to apply the package. If your schema included multiple record types, you might want to apply the package to only certain record types. Select Defect. Click Finish.
- Before you can apply another package, you must check in the schema. Click OK and then click OK again. . Click