Modify fields
In this exercise, you modify one of the fields that you added in the Add fields exercise. Before you can make changes to the schema, you must check out the schema. If the schema is not checked out:
- In the Designer, click .
- In the Open Schema window, select Checkout a schema to edit or continue editing previously saved work. Select my_sample_schema from the table of schemas. If the schema is checked out, and you are continuing work from a previous editing session, click Finish. If the schema is not checked out, click Next and then Finish.
To modify the Doc_Description field:
- Expand the Record Types folder and then the Defect folder. Double-click Fields to open the Fields grid. The grid lists all fields in the record and identifies field type, default value, and other information.
- Right-click in the Doc_Description field cell and select Field Properties.
- In the DefectFields window, the Maximum Length value of 50 does not appear to accommodate a useful description, so change it to 200.
- Close the DefectFields window.
From within the DefectFields window you can also rename the field and change its help text. If you have checked in the schema, you cannot change a field data type, its DB column name, or, for fields whose data type is SHORT_STRING, its maximum length. To change any of these properties, you must delete the field and create a new field with the properties that you want.