Advanced topic: reusing forms
If you have multiple schemas that need to use the same form, you do not need to re-create the form in each schema. You can save time by creating the form in one schema, exporting the form to a file, and importing the form file into another schema. You can use the form as is or you can modify it. You must import the form into a record type of the same name as the record type from which you exported the form.
To export a form:
- In the Designer workspace, expand the Record Types or Record Types - Stateless folder that contains the appropriate record type. Expand the record type folder and expand its Forms folder.
- Right-click the form name and click Export Form.
- In the Export Form window, enter a name for the form file and specify a location to store the file. Click Save. The file is saved with an FRM file extension.
To import a form:
- In the Designer, check out the schema to which you are importing the form.
- In the workspace, expand the Record Types or Record Types - Stateless folder that contains the appropriate record type. Expand the record type folder.
- Right-click the Forms folder and click Import Form.
- In the Import Form window, select the form file to import and click Open.