Move and align controls, and change tab order
In this exercise, you manipulate some of the controls and change the tab order in the Defect record form. Before you can make changes to the schema, you must check out the schema. If the schema is not checked out:
- In the Designer, click . The Open Schema window opens.
- Select Checkout a schema to edit or continue editing previously saved work. Select my_sample_schema from the table of schemas. If the schema is checked out, and you are continuing work from a previous editing session, click Finish. If the schema is not checked out, click Next and then Finish.
To move one of the controls that you added to the Defect record form in the Add fields and controls to a form exercise:
- In the Designer workspace, expand the Record Types folder, the Defect folder, and the Forms folder.
- Double-click the Defect_Base form to open it.
- Click the Documentation tab.
- Click the Doc_Impact label to select it. Press Shift and click the list box so that both the field label and control are selected.
- Click and hold inside the selected area and drag to move the field around.
- With the field still selected, press the arrow buttons to move the field around. Leave the field in a location where it is not horizontally aligned with the Doc_Description field.
To align the Doc_Impact field with the Doc_Description field:
- Click the Doc_Description label to select it. Press Shift and click the Doc_Impact label so that both labels are selected.
- Click . The two labels are now horizontally aligned.
- Click the Doc_Description text box to select it. Press Shift and click the Doc_Impact drop-down list box so that both controls are selected.
- Click . The two controls are now horizontally aligned.
The tab order of controls identifies which control receives focus when a user presses the Tab key to move through a form. Each time the user presses the Tab key, the focus moves to the next control in the tab order. By default, the tab order of controls is the order in which you added the controls to the form. You can change the order to reflect the order in which you expect users to enter information in the fields.
To change the tab order for the Documentation tab:
- Click . The numbers displayed next to the two field labels and controls indicate the current tab order.
- Click 3 to change it to 1. Click 4 to change it to 2. The other numbers are changed to 3 and 4 to reflect the new order.
- Change the order back so that the Doc_Impact label and its control are 1 and 2.
- Close the form.