Attach a file to a change request

When you submit or work on a change request, you might find it useful to attach one or more files to the change request so that team members can easily see them. For example, a developer might attach a source code file to a change request to help identify the cause of a defect.

This exercise shows you how to attach a file to the change request that you submitted in the Submit a change request exercise. If you have not completed that exercise, complete it before proceeding with this exercise.

To attach a file to the change request that you previously submitted:
  1. Create a file named cq_tut_sample.txt and save it to a directory on your computer.
  2. In the client, click Edit > Find Record.
  3. In the Find Record window enter the record ID of the change request that you previously submitted, and click OK. The record form opens in the View Defect window.
  4. Click the Attachments tab.
  5. Click Add.
  6. Click Yes to the message that reminds you that you are modifying the change request and asks you if you want to continue.
  7. In the Open window navigate to cq_tut_sample.txt, select it, and click Open.
  8. In the Attachment comment window enter the following comment: Sample attachment file for use in CQ tutorial. Click OK.