Submit a change request

To submit a change request:
  1. Click Actions > New.
  2. In the Choose Record Type window select Defect and click OK. The Submit Defect record form opens to the Main page. Notice that a record ID is assigned and the state is set to Submitted. Fields that require an entry appear in red.
  3. Enter information, or select values, in the fields as follows:
    • Headline: summary report totals are incorrect
    • Project: Classics
    • Severity: 2-Major
    • Priority: 2- Give High Attention
  4. Click ... next to the Keywords field to open the Keywords window. Keywords provide a useful way to identify types of change requests. You can use keywords in query definitions so that the queries return records that have matching keywords.
  5. In the Choice List field enter summary report and click Add To. Click OK.
  6. Click ... next to the Symptoms field to open the Symptoms window.
  7. Click Data Corruption. Click Add To. Click OK.
  8. Record the record ID assigned to this change request so that you can retrieve the record when you work on other modules in this tutorial.
  9. Review the fields of the Main tab to make sure you have filled them correctly. Click OK to submit the change request.