Submit a change request
To submit a change request:
- Click .
- In the Choose Record Type window select Defect and click OK. The Submit Defect record form opens to the Main page. Notice that a record ID is assigned and the state is set to Submitted. Fields that require an entry appear in red.
- Enter information, or select values, in the fields as follows:
- Headline: summary report totals are incorrect
- Project: Classics
- Severity: 2-Major
- Priority: 2- Give High Attention
- Click ... next to the Keywords field to open the Keywords window. Keywords provide a useful way to identify types of change requests. You can use keywords in query definitions so that the queries return records that have matching keywords.
- In the Choice List field enter summary report and click Add To. Click OK.
- Click ... next to the Symptoms field to open the Symptoms window.
- Click Data Corruption. Click Add To. Click OK.
- Record the record ID assigned to this change request so that you can retrieve the record when you work on other modules in this tutorial.
- Review the fields of the Main tab to make sure you have filled them correctly. Click OK to submit the change request.